16 comments on “Best of Wota in Translation 2014

  1. Happy new year, Henkka, and thanks for all the hard work. WiT continues to be one of the most consistent sources of laughter in my current website rotation, while still being a place of positivity and love towards a gaggle of asian girls we all have a collective obsession with. And if that’s not what the internet’s for, I don’t know what is.

  2. #6)Kanazawa “The Tyrant” Tomoko

    #5)Let’s think of realistic ways that would allow us to legally touch Sayu’s boobs

    #4)I’m getting closer with the beautiful girl in my class, Haga-san, but that damn Ogata keeps getting in my way

    #3)Introducing Aneshige, Michishige Sayumi’s big sister

    #2)7/20 Sato Masaki handshake event reports

    #1)Just how amazing was Kamei Eri?

    #0) Hello! Shop Q&A with Sayu.

  3. I’m surprised none of the (at least three) threads dealing with Fukumura-san’s boobs made the least!

    • I was thinking the same thing! But the moment I see my comments being deleted I knew there’s only a slim chance Fuku-funbags posts will ever feature in the top-30. what a letdown!

  4. Pingback: Best 2014 et toc! | Idols Connection

  5. Dear Henkka,

    Happy New year!
    Thank you for Everything!
    I really had fun here.
    I hope the best for you and your beard

    Truly yours,
    A random eripon wota

    May I touch your beard this 2015? c:

  6. Happy New Year!

    2014 brought as a lot of great threads, so thank you for your hard work, Henkka.

    To a glorious 2015!

  7. Pingback: Recommended Jpop♀ Reading: December 31, 2014 | Idolminded

  8. Thanks for another great year of Wota in Translation. Long live Henkka.

    Here’s my personal Top 10 (not in order) but I really like all the translations:

    Kanazawa “The Tyrant” Tomoko

    Introducing Aneshige, Michishige Sayumi’s big sister

    I noticed something strange about the cover art of Dance de Bakoon! (this one made me laugh so hard, funniest thread of 2014)

    7/20 Sato Masaki handshake event reports

    List of things that are like Morning Musume without Michishige Sayumi

    Goodbye, Yuukarin

    Michishige Sayumi Hello! Shop Q&A event highlights

    Did you know that Morning Musume has a member that you can only see if you’re not a virgin?

    Meet the latest mentally deranged addition to Morning Musume: Ogata Haruna

    At last! Michishige Sayumi has her way with Sayashi Riho’s lips at Yokohama Arena!

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