1: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/06/15(水) 07:52:26.88 0
Tsunku♂ Able To Speak Again Without Writing! Celebrates 10th Wedding Anniversary With Devoted Wife
Josei Jishin, last updated June 15 (Tue) 6:01
June 8th, a little past 1 o’clock in the afternoon. A car pulls over outside a fancy restaurant in the Minato Ward of Tokyo under perfectly clear skies — a peaceful lull between the constant showers of the rainy season. Stepping outside the car is Tsunku♂ (47) and his wife Kanako (35). Tsunku♂ is wearing a scarf around his neck along with a black T-shirt and vest, and his wife a black short-sleeve shirt — quite the stylish-looking couple indeed.
Having gotten married in 2006, these two now have twins who are nearly 8 years old, as well as a 5-year-old daughter. However, their three children weren’t there with them on that day. Why? Because this day marked the 10th wedding anniversary for the couple. Moreover, this day was special for the two in other ways, too.
As you might know, Tsunku♂ had his vocal cords removed in October 2014. He lost his voice — often called the “life” of a singer. His biggest supporter during the year and eight months that followed has been none other than his wife, Kanako.
“While she was always good at cooking to begin with, Kanako became intensely focused on cooking only the healthiest recipes for her husband after he was diagnosed with cancer. Tsunku♂, too, in consideration for her wife’s expectations, changed his eating habits. While he used to be a fan of meat-heavy foods, he stopped eating out entirely, concentrating instead on improving his health and eating only healthy foods prepared by his wife.” (Source: anonymous sports magazine reporter)
This important wedding anniversary for the husband and wife united in their struggle must have also been a very emotional one. On this day, they were led to an outdoor terrace table on the street. After they’d toasted with champagne, some steaks were brought to their table. Upon savoring his first mouthful, there was an involuntary smile that appeared on Tsunku♂’s face.
In the next moment, Tsunku♂ leaned over to his wife and whispered something into her ear! Although he had been known to use LINE and other written methods to communicate after the removal of his vocal cords, he had now become able to communicate with his wife without any need for these tools.
“Tsunku♂ has been training heavily to speak using a portion of his esophagus — a method called “esophageal speech.” It took him considerable effort to learn this new way of vocalizing, but from what I’ve been told, he never complained even once — he just kept on trying his best. As a result of his hard work, he apparently now communicates with his wife entirely without the help of any writing. Tsunku♂ was happy to reclaim the “voice” he had previously lost.” (Source: anonymous music industry insider)
Afterwards, Tsunku♂ and his wife continued their friendly conversation over glasses of wine. As they did, their matching wedding rings could be seen sparkling. After some final desserts, their two-hour “wedding date” had finished. They got into their company car that drove them back to their house where their children awaited them. Those “whispers of love” Tsunku♂ delivered on that terrace — they were without a shadow of a doubt words of gratitude to his beloved wife.
9: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/06/15(水) 07:57:22.72 0
That’s great news.
As expected of our Tsunku.
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