1: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/27(金) 21:29:04.59 0.net
Tanaka: Me and Non-chan (Tsuji Nozomi) were in the group together for half a year, but it felt much longer than that because we were always together. We’d hang out in private, too. She took me to all kinds of places, and she’d be talking to me about all this stuff and I was pretending like I knew what she was talking about — I was only a child, like 14 years old or something. We even went on a cabbage diet together… No, wait. We were like, “let’s make our chests bigger!” We’d heard that if you eat lots of cabbage, you’ll get huge boobs!
Ogata: (laughs)
Tanaka: So whenever they had it in catering, the two of us would pile up mountains of cabbage on our plates and eat it all. I just now remembered us doing that.
Ogata: Me and Iikubo Haruna-san have tried that, too. (laughs)
Tanaka: (laughs) But it’s not like it has any effect though, right?
Ogata: No. You often hear that the big three are soy milk, cabbage, and chicken…
Tanaka: Yeah, I’ve heard that. But I’ve already given up.
Ogata: (laughs)
5: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/27(金) 21:32:24.04 0.net
ノハ*゚ ゥ ゚)