1: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/05(火) 15:07:09.83 0.net
Ogata: I’d like to see Ishida-san acting in the role of a housewife.
Ishida: Ahaha. Why’s that?
Ogata: My dad is always saying, “if I was to marry someone from Morning Musume, it’d be Ishida-san.” I often talk to him about how good you are at cooking, about how kind you are and stuff, so now he’s going “yeah, at the end of the day, Ishida-san would be the perfect wife.” And he’s never even met you! (laughs) So that’s the reason I’d like to see you in the role of a housewife.
— Your father sure is funny.
Ogata: His oshi is (fellow 12th gen member) Haga, but he still thinks Ishida-san would make for the better wife. I think mom might be a bit angry if she reads this article… (laughs)
4: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/05(火) 15:09:10.85 0.net
What Haa-chin doesn’t realize is that Ishida is probably the safest choice — she’s the choice who’d make her mom the least angry at his dad for.
14: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/05(火) 15:12:37.05 0.net
Her parents would have a serious rift in their marriage had his dad said “Fukumura” instead.
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