27 comments on “FBS does a flawless job of completely censoring Ai-chan’s “I am a whore” T-shirt!

  1. Part of me wants to believe that Ai-chan didn’t just cluelessly wear this, and that she actually has a messed up sense of humor.

      • Ai has always had a weird sense of humor. On one of the H!M specials she was put on trail and convicted of sending weird text messages including messages that said “you have to look at this picture, it’s so cute” and it would be something gross like a cockroach.

        • And BTW, isn’t Aichan supposed to speak English? Perhaps not fluent, but she knows more than the basics. Seen enough episodes on TV with her speaking decently enough.

            • Lol, but she was on H!M with a slang book. I’ll never forget baby!Takitty saying “Oh shit” on TV. I believe that’s from the English one, y’know, with Kamei’s infamous “refrigeeta” line.

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  3. 63: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/06/15(日) 23:43:17.90 0.net
    She has more talent for making people laugh than her husband.

    Haha, too funny.. this may actually be true and she doesnt even realize how unintentionally funny she is lol

  4. Around the time I graduated high school in 1985, there was a fad in America where people wore headbands, t-shirts, etc with kanji on them. I cringe thinking what those characters actually meant…

  5. The best (worst!) “Engrish” T-shirts I’ve ever witnessed in Japan:

    #3: Respectable granny showing her “WANKING GIRL” to the crowd.

    #2: College girl walking with a large, unmissable “SODOMY” in gold glitter.

    #1: Cute, innocent and absolutely UA girl who had no idea of what she was wearing when she decided to put her “I BELONG TO FIST-FUCKING CLUB” T-shirt on.

    Funnily enough, Reina has a long history of infamous tops (“Show off my boobs”, “Prick”, and “I love real cock”), but never got into trouble.

    (It’s not what you wear, it’s how you wear it)

    • maybe reins really does love pricks and showing off her… oh rite, she has no boobs.

      • At true classic! Nothing better than seeing a sweet girl like Akari wearing a shirt with what is arguably the most offensive word in the English language scrolled on it. To make it better her facial expression and body language scream out she had no clue what she was doing!

  6. I recently rewatched that hello time where ai and reina visit a fortuneteller and she predicts divorce for ai.
    Somehow I don’t think this marriage is gelling right.
    Ais silent scream?

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