1: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/12/28(土) 12:00:18.40 i
So I’m a closet wota. I have different accounts on my laptop for when I’m at home and when I’m out of the house.
When I’m home, I use the pervert account that exposes me as a H!P wota. The background image is of a H!P member and when it starts up, it plays “Konnichipa.” On the account that I use when I’m out, the background image is that of a harmless kitten. I’m hiding in plain sight, see.
However, I fell asleep, forgetting about my laptop being logged in to the pervert account while it went into sleep mode. The next day at my university classroom I sat in the front, opened my laptop and the sounds of “Konnichipa” resounded throughout the entire classroom. Meanwhile, the people behind me saw my background image of a bikini-clad Maimi.
3: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/12/28(土) 12:03:43.36 0
If it’s come to that, you might as well just say screw it and go all out with your H!P wotadom.
17: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/12/28(土) 12:17:34.34 0
I just don’t understand why you’d use something that gross as your start-up sound.
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