1: 【中国電 68.4 %】 ◆fveg1grntk 2016/01/19(火) 00:07:57.54 0.net
Today is my little brother’s birthday!
He’s turning eight. Congratulations! It looks like my family is throwing him a birthday party… They sent me a picture of it which made me a bit lonely, but seeing my family looking so happy made me feel happy, too. (^ ^)
I hope to meet them all soon!
I wonder when that’s going to be~?
My little brother was just three years old when I first came to Tokyo! They really grow up so fast! I don’t get to see him a lot, so whenever I do, I try to spend as much time with him as possible. I’m always clinging to him. (^ ^) He’s really, really cute! (▼v▼) But it’s just that since he’s growing up so fast, he’s refusing to play with me as much as he used to! Still, I’m glad to see him grow. (^ ^)
Although we used to bathe together all the time, the other day when I said “hey, let’s take a bath together!” like I always do, he was all “well, I mean, I’m okay with it if you are.” He was all cold like that! He doesn’t want to bathe together anymore!
What’s up with that!? For your information, I was changing your diapers when you were tiny, you know! (laughs)
Does he want to become more independent? Well, it’s not that I’m his parent or anything, but since I’m his big sister and there’s an age gap, I kind of almost see him as my own child. (^ ^)
I hope he has a great birthday!
I’ve prepared lots of presents for him, so I hope I can make him happy!
48: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/19(火) 00:32:13.92 0.net
I’m so insanely jealous.
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