33 comments on “Sugaya Risako fan Iwao Nozomu: “What happened?”

  1. Awesome translations as usual, but maybe providing a little background when posting these kind of threads would be useful. Like who is this guy and what has he said?

    • That’s fair enough. But in my view, the humor of this thread isn’t so much in *who* this guy is, but rather in how even though he’s seemingly someone famous, he’s really just another Risako fan who now finds themselves going “what happened?”

  2. It sure hit him hard. Even for me, who is not a Risako fan, still took me a while to get away from my PC after re- watching all Berryz great songs after reading her announcement.

  3. This will always be the creepy side of wota to me. Yeah, Risako shocked us all, but damn, losing the will to live when your favourite idol gets married…

    • Unless there’s something of particular note, I tend to think of those types of comments in the same way I do someone saying “I would die for a piece of cake right now.”

      You don’t actually want to die. You just -really- want some cake. Like these fans were -really- surprised/caught off gaurd.

      I think you’re taking them too seriously.

  4. I wasn’t very surprised myself. I have seen many people express the opinion before on Risako’s appearance, calling it “banging”.

      • Just 2 months ago he was talking about ANGERME, he’s still a fan of them. His favorite is Rikako but he also likes Kamiko and Ayacho, but they’re probably nothing compared to his first H!P oshi.

  5. I watched Risako grow up… Wow, those were fun years. I just really hope she has a happy and fulfilling life.

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