1: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/18(水) 21:06:41.46 0.net
岩尾望 @nozomuiwao
It looks like I’ve just gotten a weird number of new followers.
Did something happen?
21:03 – 2017年10月18日
11: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/18(水) 21:08:25.18 0.net
Sometimes not knowing can be better for your own sake.
22: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/18(水) 21:10:17.99 0.net
Trying to escape from reality…
27: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/18(水) 21:10:30.72 0.net
I’ve heard that when humans experience something that’s just too big of a shock to their system, they seriously become unable to remember things.
19: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/18(水) 21:09:45.28 0.net
“Sugaya? Who’s that…?”
6: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/18(水) 21:08:06.83 0.net
8: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/18(水) 21:08:15.02 0.net
38: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/18(水) 21:12:29.95 0.net
I wonder if he still has that likeness of him drawn by Risako?
51: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/18(水) 21:14:02.37 0.net
He must be crying and watching Nyoki Nyoki Champion right now.
59: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/18(水) 21:15:26.65 0.net
(Text: “I don’t think about whether or not they’re my type.“)
87: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/18(水) 21:20:47.45 0.net
Iwao has said that he doesn’t see idols “in that way.”
78: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/18(水) 21:18:21.15 0.net
136: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/18(水) 21:43:34.01 0.net
He probably last saw her at Momochi’s final concert, right?
I wonder what he’s feeling right now.
164: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/18(水) 22:23:57.67 0.net
Oh crap… He’s going to lose even more hair…
1. ℃-uteな名無しさん 2017年10月19日 03:44 id:3cGxquMJ0
Iwao-san… I imagine that what he’s feeling right now could be comparable to if his beloved, only daughter was to suddenly tell him that she was going to enter into a shotgun wedding. I feel like while most fans will forget about this once they fall in love with someone new, Iwao-san will always keep watching over her with a kind, affectionate love.
57: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/18(水) 21:15:24.36 0.net
Where’s his next tweet?
Iwao Nozomu:
“By the time I wake up tomorrow morning,
I hope I’ll have become beautiful.“
1: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/18(水) 23:30:49.05 0.net
岩尾望 @nozomuiwao
I’m going to try and stay nice and warm now as I go to bed!
By the time I wake up tomorrow morning, I hope I’ll have become beautiful.
23:25 – 2017年10月18日
10: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/18(水) 23:33:55.20 0.net
Iwaooooo! I get you so much!
It’s okay to cry tonight… 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
5: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/18(水) 23:32:34.72 0.net
21: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/18(水) 23:36:34.96 0.net
8: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/18(水) 23:33:26.30 0.net
It sounds like he’s preparing to die.
27: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/18(水) 23:38:26.80 0.net
He’s been supporting her since the formation of the group, right?
No wonder he can’t seem to find the words.
4. ℃-uteな名無しさん 2017年10月19日 06:34 id:XmoeLulf0
Still, it’s the partner that Risako chose for herself.
Outsiders don’t have any business sticking their noses in it.
140: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/19(木) 00:20:21.69 0.net
Risako: “You baldie~!”
She ought to acknowledge him somehow — even if it was just disparaging him like that.
51: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/18(水) 23:43:13.10 0.net
This was his follow-up to a tweet of him asking if something had happened since he’d gotten new followers. It came three hours after the first one. He must’ve taken quite a bit of damage.
19. ℃-uteな名無しさん 2017年10月20日 07:34 id:FnpGdmWE0
I don’t get why they don’t ask Iwao to be an MC on an H!P program. How often do you come across comedians who really love H!P to the extent that he does?
73: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/18(水) 23:48:34.43 0.net
143: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/19(木) 00:42:17.08 0.net
Great song.
74: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/18(水) 23:48:55.15 0.net
This makes me cry.
84: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/18(水) 23:54:59.49 0.net
Now this is a disgusting wota I can stand behind.
3: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/18(水) 23:31:39.37 0.net
Iwao… (´;ω;`)
128: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/10/19(木) 00:12:34.26 O.net
I’m now going to fall asleep while watching VERY BEAUTY on my 55-inch TV.
Good night.
I hope I don’t wake up tomorrow morning.
Sources: http://c-ute.doorblog.jp/archives/50935454.html, http://c-ute.doorblog.jp/archives/50935571.html
Awesome translations as usual, but maybe providing a little background when posting these kind of threads would be useful. Like who is this guy and what has he said?
Maybe idols aren’t for you if you don’t even know this dude.
You must be new
HAHAHA omg…that was SEVERE! Maybe this person is new? Give em a break!! But I did lol
That’s fair enough. But in my view, the humor of this thread isn’t so much in *who* this guy is, but rather in how even though he’s seemingly someone famous, he’s really just another Risako fan who now finds themselves going “what happened?”
It sure hit him hard. Even for me, who is not a Risako fan, still took me a while to get away from my PC after re- watching all Berryz great songs after reading her announcement.
This will always be the creepy side of wota to me. Yeah, Risako shocked us all, but damn, losing the will to live when your favourite idol gets married…
Unless there’s something of particular note, I tend to think of those types of comments in the same way I do someone saying “I would die for a piece of cake right now.”
You don’t actually want to die. You just -really- want some cake. Like these fans were -really- surprised/caught off gaurd.
I think you’re taking them too seriously.
I wasn’t very surprised myself. I have seen many people express the opinion before on Risako’s appearance, calling it “banging”.
I believe the correct term is “fat ugly cow”
But “fat ugly cow” seems to be skinnier than most “really fatass” male wota somehow? :P
Men aren’t valued purely for their bodies, unlike women who are worthless if they aren’t pretty.
If that was even true I wouldn’t be freshly out of battling with BDD, as a dude
Maasa is the really fat one. I mean, even westerners would’ve called her fat at some point, she looked legit like 166cm and about 75kg, for Asians this is even worse, should be 5kg less (because BMI 23+ is already obese), 14kg to big. Rii-Chan was just a bit chubby 161cm maybe 55-61kg most of the time.
Maasa looks pretty fly in her newest project.
Like a fly on shit
Yeah, but there was a time when she was seriously fat, like obese for Japanese standards (http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/akb48newsmatome2/imgs/4/f/4fe38169.jpg), wasn’t talking about her nowadays. She’s still horribly yo-yo dieting. Earlier this year she was a lot bigger again then at her sotsugyo, saw her with Yurina, then at C-ute’s last concert she was fuckin’ thin like what happened and again just a few months later, last time I saw her she gained a bunch of weight again. She should really see a nutrishionist… binging and starving isn’t the solution in this.
Maasa is a muscle girl, so maybe she is going for “dirty gains” and then cutting?
Nah, I think she would have more gains and less fat if she’d work out with weight and professionally, that’s probably what she did before her photobook (at least the cutting, not the bulking) but I doubt she does it nowadays. Just looks a bit to untrained and flabby for that to some degree.
Dude, that ain’t no gains it’s excessive fat.
“Risako is ugly” is something that no one with working eyesight has ever said.
eh risako was hotter in the old days
No, we’re not describing you Anon.
Poor guy.
Just watched him on a recent AKBingo, apparently about dealing with the issue with this “certain idol”. And he’s currently looking for distraction among the AKB girls prolly a way to cope with the pain hahaha.
note: (It’s already english subbed, just press cc)
Likes authentic BK and then switches to plastic and fake AKB
“Maybe with something so fake and shallow it won’t hurt so much.”
Just 2 months ago he was talking about ANGERME, he’s still a fan of them. His favorite is Rikako but he also likes Kamiko and Ayacho, but they’re probably nothing compared to his first H!P oshi.
I watched Risako grow up… Wow, those were fun years. I just really hope she has a happy and fulfilling life.
Did Risako get married?
Holy shit she did and pregnant too.
Man.. If Risako is pregnant.. Maasa probably got married years ago and have like 3 kids already
I’m not sure if Maasa is ready to get married. There are way too many female bottoms that she hasn’t groped yet.