9 comments on “Hello! Project COMPLETE ALBUM BOOK Roundtables: Koide Yusuke × Hyadain × Namba Kazumi

  1. God yes, Groud demo Rouka.
    That song makes legit makes me tear up from the memories of a youth that I never had.

  2. I kind of gave up commenting on this earlier because there was so much to comment on…

    1) Berryz Kobo 1st album well deserves to be mentioned first when best H!P albums/album songs are being discussed. Yesss. It kind of saddens me how many people find child-high vocals ‘weird’ to listen to so they can’t appreciate these songs for how great they are (but that goes for H!P in general, I guess)..

    2) So happy how many different types of albums from different eras and units/solo artists are mentioned! Great variety!

    3) I never checked out the KSS album and now I really want to. Or I feel like I must.

    4) I’m always here for Michishige praise/talk and yet I always feel like I learn something a little new about her.

    5) I realized myself that Tsunku often combines unexpected things in lyrics when I was thinking about that diet single that late Berryz had… Yeah, was a bit late with that, but I’m not fluent in Japanese so that’s my excuse..


    7) I kind of wish The Possible’s first album was mentioned as well, it was rather short, but I really enjoy it as a whole

    8) Interesting to hear them praise Sasaki. I think she’s great, too, the moment when she bounces to the centre in Taiki Bansei was EPIC when I first saw it. But I sort of live in a bubble and have no idea how the fandom generally perceives her… Being compared to Goto is amazing and I’m now even more excited to see Sasaki’s growth

    9) Goto’s 3rd album is 3rd Station, not escalation, though… I own it, it’s great. I recommend “Singapore Transit” for chill moments

    10) Yay Ongaku Gatas album mention! I’m still waiting for someone to perform “Koi uranai doori ni wa naranai wa” again which I think is super cool :P This song has been forgotten…

  3. Recently these musician’s interviews are the best of WIT. The 2chan translations are very funny, but these conversations are pure gold and with a lot of information about H!P. Thank You, Henkka

  4. so glad i finally got around to reading this cause i kind of been avoiding it cause i thought it wouldnt be interesting.. This was such a good read that i can’t even begin to comment about it cause there were so many points that hit home base with me.. I guess the 1st topic that hit home was the Sayu becoming a better singer without actually becoming a better singer lol… Its exactly what i had been thinking of Sayu as she became leader and was on the verge of graduating…she was so great in all the new songs and all the lines she picked up from grad members on older songs sounder much better than i thought she was capable of

  5. That was pretty funny when they were psychoanalyzing Tsunku♂. The “one girl” theory vs. the “Tsunku♂ Town” theory. Lol.

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