7 comments on “What will be the final song Country Girls Tsugunaga Momoko sings at her graduation concert?

  1. Seconding (or, looking at the comment section, thirding?) Momoiro Kataomoi. A Boogie Train duet with Mikitty would be funny, too.

    Ganbacchae, not sure. I feel like °C-ute is going to take that one with them, so I don’t think Momoko will sing it as well, as her graduation is shortly after theirs.

  2. I also thought Momoiro Kataomoi when I saw the thread title. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was either of the Gomenne songs though, haha.

    I feel like CG will have one more single release before Momo leaves, so who knows if she’ll get a solo song. I definitely think she deserves to have a send-off concert though. While it’d be nice to have CG in a big venue, I feel like a H!P concert-style similar to what Berryz did for the send-off (Berryz Matsuri?) would be best.

    • There won’t be another single before she leaves, it’s been confirmed GOOD BOY BAD GIRL/Peanut Butter Jelly Love is her last ;w;

  3. Maybe Koi wo shichaimashita since that was her audition song… I wonder if she’ll cry at her graduation since she didn’t at berryz I don’t think (I’ve only seen the final performance of Love Together haha)

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