37 comments on “Tanaka Reina: “I was NOT sleeping at Suzuki’s graduation concert!”

  1. well~ for foreigner, i come to reina graduation concert, but back and forth watch the stage and VIP seat where Gaki – Kame seat. sorry :(

    • I think even Reina knows that she can’t get in the way of a fan’s ship. I am sure she forgives you.

      (spooky coincidence, GakiKame is staring at me as I write this …)

    • As Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks”.

  2. when a woman turns it on you “why the hell where you looking at me?”….then you know its true
    i mean its reina, i wasnt expecting undying emotion for zukki from her
    some of the sobbing during zukkis graduations was faker than fake.
    you cant expect everyone to be emotional, some girls like zukki more, some less.
    but they have to fake it. i understand fake sobbing.

    but reina showing up for zukkis grad
    as that kanye said
    “You should be honored by my lateness
    That I would even show up to this fake shit”

    reina is timeless.

    • TL;DR version of baskervill’s comment for busy people:

      Bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit.

      • you are so in love with me
        cant really blame you
        my heart belongs to kame though

            • I’m not the same “Anonymous” as above. Just glad to see a true love story in the making between you two.

              • i m not the same baskervill as above and i just wanna say i conqur with the anonymos thats not the same anonymos

      • Bullshit for general public maybe, but I believe Maa-chan would be able to understand baskerville comment.

        • Maa-chan would understand it (since she sort of understands English and Japanese since she lived abroad when she was little) but Kudo Haruka would have to interpret Masaki’s explanation before anyone else would understand it.

          As for the idea that some reactions, emotions or expressions are faked in the idol world, well, duh! The idol world and pro wrestling have a lot of similarities (not just because many lady wrestlers in the Showa era released successful idol singles and not just because the Up Up Girls and DDT frequently work together). In both art forms the performers create “images” for themselves and try to play them up. In both cases, the best “images” are the way the performers are normally with the volume turned way up.

        • no… Masaki doesn’t speak bullshit… it’s more like a poetic kind of weird absurdity that may or may not make sense from your point of view… she’d just ignore people like him… and I wanted to ignore him, too… but I just can’t… I hate trolls like Baskervill and I want him gone from this blog…

          that is all…

    • “some of the sobbing during zukkis graduations was faker than fake”

      On Hello!Morning back in the day, Ishikawa Rika had a running gag where she would obviously fake crying by turning around and pouring half a bottle of stage tears on herself so that when she turned around her mascara would be running down her face.

      Was the sobbing faker than that?

      • i d say, it was certainly equally bad for some

        its hard to be dancing and singing your heart out to upbeat songs and the next minute to be moved and emotional and crying on command. i understand that and its fine.

        damn ishikawa was an ugly crier too lol
        that body smoking though

  3. As loud as a concert is, I’m not sure how she could manage to sleep through it. I think I believe her.

    • have you ever woken up so early and worked so hard you d sleep standing on the bus holding the handle?
      magnify that by many times, multiple days a week and you might reach idol levels of accumulated tiredness.
      let me tell you, any dark place with a soft seat is just heaven.

        • I have to agree with baskerville. She might have trouble falling asleep at ‘night’ in a ‘bed’ and maybe ‘alone’. She can get sleepy at broad daylight, anywhere else.

  4. 20: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/06/02(木) 17:23:30.89 0.net
    This was directed at all of you who were staring at nothing but Yuukarin at ANGERME’s concert the other day. (laughs)

    Lol, or the people who sat there and looked for Kamei at the Morning Musume Graduation concerts… Can’t blame them though, If i saw my Kami Oshi Kamei at a concert in the audience it would be hard to fully pay attention to the concert

    Glad Reina is still as blunt and aggressive as always.. Never change lol

  5. I was in Sayumi’s graduation concert. Couldn’t help but keep distracted with other H!P members who watched the concert since my seat was just above the VIP seats

  6. oh wow… some people have serious problems… let her sleep… or watch the concert… or whatever she wants to do… why do they care? oO even if she was sleeping she’s right to be angry… this is ridiculous…

  7. I don’t care if she was sleeping or not. Reina could scalpel my organs and sell them to the Chinese black market, or join IS and bomb a kindergarten… I still would forgive her.

    (OK, I am so biased when it comes to Reina)

  8. What I love the most is, after her ranting, she continues her post with a sparkly comment on some ice cream she recommends to her followers (check her blog, I assure you, the ranting and the yummy ice cream are on the same post).
    Reina can switch from scary dom to bubbly idol in a split second. How not to love her?!!

  9. Oh Reina, she seriously angry and even with that i can help but to laugh at the ” let’s be real she was sleeping” comments, forgive me Reina! love you!!

  10. “Um, like, hello?”
    >GAD she sounded so real pissed like any normal girl would that I was taken aback xD

  11. Eh, Teranya and Reinya have something in common~ Teranya has always an interestingly girly way to express feelings. Reinya on the other hand is the opposite, a yankee, not so Yamato Nadeshiko-like girl. Maybe he’s just the lost relative of Reinya, lmao. Reinya and Teranya combo, they’d make a nice kind of “W” – the girly man and the manly girl lmao.

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