No matter which way you look at it,
people who do wotagei at concerts
are not right in the head
1: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/09/27(木) 00:36:02.49 O
Why even come to the concert if you’re not looking at the stage? You’re also a nuisance to the people around you. Leave that stuff to when you’re in karaoke or something.
19: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/09/27(木) 00:43:23.08 0
It’s obvious someone who’s never done wotagei would assume we don’t watch the stage…
12: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/09/27(木) 00:42:31.02 0
I don’t do wotagei as of late. It’s not like I got bored of it or anything… I just started feeling embarrassed doing it all of a sudden, so I stopped.
14: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/09/27(木) 00:43:04.89 0
What goes through your head when you’re doing wotagei? Is it like, “woohoo, I’m supporting them way more than those guys who are just silently watching“?
25: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/09/27(木) 00:44:18.26 0
I once heard some dude say “we’re not here to see the members — they’re here to see us.”
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