18 comments on “The problem of not having anything to talk about with idols

  1. I agree with >77, Haruna’s really good at handshake events. I really had fun the first time I met her in one.


  2. It can be awkward when faced with your Idols! I had a tough time talking with Momochi both times Berryz came to the USA. The first time I told her I thought she was a genius Idol (in Japanese) and she just kinda nodded without making eye contact and that was that. I don’t remember what I said the second time, but her reaction was similar. Risako was also difficult- we met eyes at the concert, and after thanking her for that, there was a really awkward moment where I just kept saying thank you until it was time to go. Maasa was also hard to talk to, but in a kind of fun way, as if she were caught off guard by everything.


  3. Wow… It’s so weird reading this, ‘cos for us foreign fans handshake events are so rare and precious. I imagine I would end up either gushing out all my feelings or just be totally star-struck. I myself have only shook hands with one Japanese band and even then all I could blurt out was an “Arigatou” to each one before I was patted aside. From what I gather, there are different types of handshake events with different amounts of time given? Sheesh, what I would give to be in their shoes.


  4. I’ve never been to an event, but I remember watching a report on either Buono! or Momusu in Paris, with three or four people being let in for handshakes at a time. Being in a small, quiet room like that would be even more nerve-wracking.

    Personally, I’d be more concerned about making sense since I’m not 100% confident on Japanese sentence structure. lol I would probably babble like an idiot.


  5. Man, I can relate to so much of this, it’s funny. That fact that my Japanese sucks just makes everything so much more awkward, haha.


  6. Pingback: Recommended Reading: July 4th, 2013 | Idolminded

  7. Lol, it’s true about it being hardest to talk to your oshi. I’ve met Reina twice and the first time I couldn’t say anything because I was trying not to cry. The second time, even though I had a good amount of time to talk, all I could do was high-five her and say “Reina!!” and then run away ORZ


  8. At least they get to meet their idols =]
    I would probably say hi and probably die of happiness


  9. some group should try calling reina tana-satan, and call the other musumes by maa-chan nicknames..


    • Hahaha I would love to see their reactions to that. What nicknames were there? I can only think of minishige-san and yasushi-san


      • Mizuki – Fukunura-san

        Kudo – DOduu

        Haruna – Meshikubo

        maimai- akibara-san?

        airi- takahashi-san?

        Yajima Maimi – Nakajima-san, Yaguchi-san

        Ikuta Erina→ Wikuta-san

        Ishida Ayumi→Anumin

        Kumai Yurina→E(Erina)

        that’s all i could google up.


  10. This topic is perfect for me because I’m having the C-ute handshake tomorrow and my friend and I were discussing that we’ll probably forget anything we wanted to say. :P


  11. I totally get what these guys were saying. Last year I went to my first handshake event ever, and I was really looking forard to it, so I prepared beforehand everything I would say, especially to my oshi. I even took some Japanese lessons, just to make sure they would understand my pronunciation. So the moment came, and I was actually able to say some words to the members, but when I got to my oshi, I panicked. I said her name FOR SOME REASON and she just stood there, looking at me, looking DEEPLY at me, and I forgot everything I had prepared, so I just… thanked her. I literally said ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU, like an idiot. She held my hands and said lots of stuff I couldn’t understand, and I kept smiling and nodding, looking stupid. It was awful. At least I got to see her in person.


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