1: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/05/06(水) 10:51:47.94 0.net
There’s just something comforting to me about the office and I don’t even know why. (laughs) Like, Kobushi Factory and Tsubaki Factory are both such stupid names, but at the same time they’re so “Up-Front-like” that it just makes me smile. Admit it: you guys actually feel the same way, don’t you?
6: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/05/06(水) 10:55:58.34 0.net
I can appreciate how firm they are in their stance of not forcing the members do anything vulgar.
9: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/05/06(水) 10:57:38.22 0.net
It’s only natural that a talent agency would promote girls who can make them money, but the amazing thing about Up-Front is how they keep pushing girls who won’t sell — I mean, the type of girl anyone could have one look at and just instinctively know she’s never going to be popular. They must be rolling in money.
114: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/05/06(水) 12:00:33.02 0.net
Yeah. No matter how much name value you have, if you stop drawing people, you’re thrown out. That’s the way every talent agency works — aside from Up-Front.
7: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/05/06(水) 10:56:04.76 0.net
I like the mutual trust we have with them; how we both know that we’ll remain loyal fans no matter how badly they look down upon us.
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