14 comments on “Maa-chan’s awesome reaction to losing the Hina Fes lottery

  1. Unlike most of the celeb, she is not shy to be herself. Her real wota will just OK with this.


  2. Well, an idols primary job is to entertain us, and to be honest, I’m more entertained when Maa-chan pulls this kind of stuff than when most idols sing.


  3. I thought it was funny but I was surprised to see about half of the Japanese Twitter fans I follow bashing her for this (people are accusing of her of having no motivation as an idol) and by the looks of this thread it seems to be 50/50 as well judging by the parts left out of the matome. If she had gotten excited and showed off if she won a solo people would be saying she’s spoiled. She can never win because she’s so polarizing as an idol.


    • she’s been getting a lot of heat lately, more than usual. it kind of reminds me of how riho started to get a lot of hate from the beginning of 2015, then the kanjam clip of riho scolding maa happened which brought the hate to new levels. she ended up announcing her grad shortly after that aired and all the hate turned into love and concern. the more popular you are, the more hate you get.


  4. Oh Maa-chan is just a troll, doing her troll thing. Classic Maa-chan. I think these 2 comments encapsulate the whole incident…

    172: 名無し募集中。。。 2019/03/02(土) 23:01:52.27 0
    You can’t be her wota if you’re going to be hurt by tiny things like this.
    Don’t be so sensitive.

    182: 名無し募集中。。。 2019/03/02(土) 23:06:14.86 0
    Her wota should know that’s how she’d react.

    Its Maa-chan… how else would she react?


  5. I’m not even a Maa wota and when I saw her do this pose I immediately knew she didn’t get anything lol

    That’s so typically her. She shys away from everything that gives her extra work/attention, like being photographed, writing blogs, doing handshake events, publishing a photobook, etc.


  6. Her reaction is great for both antis and supporters alike, even if they decide it’s for another reason lol

    BUT the real benefit for each:

    Anti – less spotlight

    Supporter – more rest


  7. 172: 名無し募集中。。。 2019/03/02(土) 23:01:52.27 0
    You can’t be her wota if you’re going to be hurt by tiny things like this.
    Don’t be so sensitive.

    182: 名無し募集中。。。 2019/03/02(土) 23:06:14.86 0
    Her wota should know that’s how she’d react.

    Exactly, she’s stated several times that she desires to become the next Tsunku. She would rather create music for others to sing than to sing them herself. We’ve known for a long time that maa-chan doesnt like attention, she’s denied photobook request for years and made training tools by herself for younger members in complete secrecy. She’s basically acted like a staff member for the last few years especially after Riho graduated


  8. “Typical Sato” sums it up pretty much.

    I don’t like her much but i think it’s a plus for the group that lacks a bit in the “wow effect” department.

    I do however find it funny to see her being so popular by doing whatever she cans to not be popular. I guess that works well to make her stand off with the Japanese “group” mentality .


  9. “If Sato herself got more serious about it, she could have so many more wota” is a really weird sentiment to me, because I’ve been analyzing the Hello! Project Music Awards oshi poll resuls. They held it annually since 2004.
    In 2018, Maa topped the poll with over 160 votes more than 2nd place, and nearly nearly double the votes that 2nd place got. She had 9% of the vote in a year where 93 members were voted for. She’s been topping the poll ever since Sayu graduated (so 4 years in a row now), even edging out Riho.

    So, uh, just how many MORE wota does she even need, nobody else in H!P is doing better.


  10. I didn’t think this was the most important thing that happened in that video, but how Haga Akane ALWAYS participates in Hina Festival in some unit or solo (the lucky hand used to be Rinappo but she didn’t win this year)


  11. En verdad que Maachan seguirá siendo recordada como la idol más sobresaliente no sólo por lo que hacía en el escenario sino también por su manera tan peculiar de interactuar con sus compañeras. Me agrada mucho ver sus videos en los que se refleja una personalidad tan carismática. Me gusta su espontaneidad.


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