1: 名無し募集中。。。 2018/02/04(日) 00:52:50.69 0.net
Here are some pictures I took in the fall of 2017 when we were commuting on tour. It only took a few minutes for the day to turn into night. I was watching the whole time. It was such a poetic, unforgettable moment for me. And even though I say that, this scene is really the only thing I actually remember of it all. What prefecture was this? Where had we performed earlier that day? I do not recall.
I don’t even have that uncomfortable feeling of somehow needing to remember. It feels like I never even lived this moment. Actually, it has felt like that for the entirety of this past year. No matter how many times someone asks me “don’t you remember?,” I simply don’t.
Because to me, it almost feels like I never even lived this moment.
25: じゃじ 2018/02/04(日) 01:03:43.25 0.net
She should try making this into a song lyric.
31: 名無し募集中。。。 2018/02/04(日) 01:05:26.36 0.net
And to think that they even got some new members this past year…
57: 名無し募集中。。。 2018/02/04(日) 01:22:22.55 0.net
She’s said before that she’s always studying whenever she finds the tiniest bit of free time. She might be working too hard.
93: 名無し募集中。。。 2018/02/04(日) 05:41:04.32 0.net
Graduate school is way more demanding than one can even imagine. Not that I’m one to talk — I didn’t even go to university so I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about.
1. カラフル名無しさん 2018年02月05日 10:52 ID:wz3IRyU10
Seeing this, I was worried about Ayacho’s well-being… But then again, her personality has been like this from way before. I’m sure she’s alright.
26: 名無し募集中。。。 2018/02/04(日) 01:03:52.19 0.net
She’s quickly approaching the mental state of nothingness.
41: 名無し募集中。。。 2018/02/04(日) 01:10:25.44 0.net
Note though that “nothingness” doesn’t mean “nothing.”
“Nothingness” means “every possible thing imaginable.“
34: 名無し募集中。。。 2018/02/04(日) 01:06:11.47 0.net
I like Ayacho’s blog posts more than Ayacho.
80: 名無し募集中。。。 2018/02/04(日) 03:13:25.13 0.net
Hey, I ate only a few moments ago and I was thinking about how I couldn’t even remember what it was that I’d just eaten.
… Until I remembered. It was curry and rice. For the past two meals in a row.
42: 名無し募集中。。。 2018/02/04(日) 01:10:39.58 0.net
You’re so cute, Ayacho.
Henkka: I love how mature and introspective Ayacho has become. She’s now H!P’s most un-idol-like idol, but not in a funny or ironic way. She’s become the thinking man’s idol; the idol whose blog you read when it’s time to sit down at the end of a long day and enjoy a quiet glass of scotch.
Simply put, she’s someone who makes you contemplate on what it truly means to be Stayin’ Alive.
Source: http://colorhello.blog.jp/archives/1069593028.html
How Deep is My Love for Ayacho?? Pretty fucking deep!!
Very poetic. You should try making that into a song lyric.
It’s like Ayacho is feeling Too Much Heaven.
Well, good for her I say! I mean, nobody gets too much heaven no more. It’s much harder to come by. I’m waiting in line.
Looks like Ayacho’s life is going nowhere and she needs somebody to help her (yeah)
Don’t worry about Ayacho. She’s a dancin’ woman — she just can’t lose.
Ah. I should’ve been able to tell by the way she walks.
Ayacho is more than an idol… no she’s More Than a Woman to Me.
Sounds like even in a thousand years you’d fall in love with her again.
You know Henkka is a fan of Ayacho when he not only replies to every post but also adds his own ending post in the translated section. :D
I won’t deny the accusation.
Ayacho, the Philosopher’s Idol
Ayacho… T_T
Yep, I just read on hello-online that she’ll be graduating in one year. It’s almost as if Henkka knew something. ;)