1: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 18:05
Surely at least one of them might have feelings for you.
2: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 18:06
Yeah, true.
3: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 18:06
I’d date Reina.
6: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 18:07
I bet I’d get confessed to by all of them.
12: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 18:10
You’re all so greedy.
Me, I’d be satisfied with just Rika-chan and Mikitty.
I leave the rest of them to you guys.
10: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 18:09
I bet I wouldn’t get along with Yaguchi.
11: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 18:10
I’m the type who they’d find easy to get along but who they would never actually date.
19: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 18:14
On the day of our graduation, I’ll probably get confessed to by Eririn under that legendary tree… I have to get my body ready while I still have time.
24: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 18:18
When everyone was at the pool, I’d steal Nono-tan’s, Aibon’s, Nacchi’s, Gocchin’s, Rika-chan’s, Ii-tan’s, Konkon’s, Mikitty’s, Eririn’s, Sayumin’s, and Ayaya’s underwear.
28: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 18:21
I can see them electing me and Nono-tan as the Best Couple of the school.
30: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 18:22
Me and Yossie would aim for the national volleyball championships.
33: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 18:25
If the guys in class were all wota, the girls would stop coming to class.
49: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 18:44
Let’s be real: nothing at all would happen because I’d be unable to talk to any of them.
70: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 18:54
I’ll protect Nono-tan.
82: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 19:02
Reina, coming to school wearing a swimsuit underneath her clothes because they have swimming that day, only later to realize she forgot to bring underwear.
93: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 19:14
I would get pissed off at the girls who start wearing jerseys underneath their skirts in the winter.
101: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 19:16
I would tear out a piece from my notebook, write the words “you’re ugly” on it, hand it to Michishige, and be asked “who do I pass this along to?“
104: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 19:17
I want to win over Mikitty.
110: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 19:19
P.E. used to be torture for me.
Now, I think even I’ll start to enjoy it…
112: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 19:20
Fujimoto, Ishikawa and Yaguchi taking a cigarette break in the toilet.
125: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 19:23
I’m going to be constantly preoccupied with trying to make Ai-chan fall for me.
137: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 19:26
Me getting suspended from school after peeping in on the girls during a class trip.
140: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 19:28
Becoming tone-deaf during a chorus singing competition because of Ishikawa being placed right next to me.
142: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 19:28
I want it to suddenly start raining so I could give Takahashi my umbrella and run home.
146: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 19:30
Out with it!
Which one of you guys hid Takahashi’s indoor shoes?!
152: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 19:32
I want to randomly run into Ayaya out in town somewhere, be told “I have to go shopping so look after her for a bit!” and being left to babysit Ayaya’s little sister.
156: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 19:33
If you ever lend a manga book to Fujimoto, expect to never get it back.
157: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 19:34
Takahashi, the new girl who transferred to our school from Fukui, already getting made fun of for her dialect.
Takahashi, left out of club activities, always being alone by herself.
And yet…
Takahashi, somehow liked by all the boys in school.
193: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 19:45
I want Ayaka to teach me English.
195: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 19:45
Man, this is the youth I wish I’d had.
206: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 19:49
I want Yaguchi to catch me off-guard by suddenly asking me “hey, you actually like Rika-chan, don’t you?“
245: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 19:56
No one’s ever seen Ishikawa-san go to the toilet.
273: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 20:01
I want to sit behind Miki-sama in class just so she could throw her eraser crumbs at me.
276: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 20:02
I want the teacher to tell everyone to switch seats and then order me to sit next to Mikitty — only to get a really, really mean look from her.
278: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 20:02
Man, just how excited would we be for any upcoming class trips?!
296: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 20:06
Whenever we went on a class trip, there’s not a doubt in my mind that Yaguchi, Fujimoto and Tanaka would always be the ones sitting at the back of the bus.
292: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 20:05
I want to take a sick day from school and have Kamei-chan bring me the notes of the things I missed…
305: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 20:08
During lunch break, someone would put an ice-cold canned juice against my neck. I turn around, all shaken up, and it’s Ishikawa who just starts talking to me all normal.
306: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 20:08
I want to stay behind after class and smell their chairs with all my might.
317: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 20:11
The school principal, Tsunku, would always be coming up with all kinds of events for us.
323: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 20:12
Tsunku: “Why don’t we shuffle up all the classes!”
Other teachers: “In the middle of the second term?!”
Tsunku: “Why not! Let’s do this!“
324: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 20:13
Reina’s face getting all red with embarrassment after wanting to ask a question from the teacher but accidentally yelling out “mom!” instead.
330: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 20:15
I want to get into a fistfight with some idiots in class and have Aibon console me afterwards.
328: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 20:14
Me, biking into school with Kago riding in the back.
“… Have you gained weight?”
333: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 20:16
“Then how do you explain my tires being all flat since you got on?!”
“Idiot! I hate you!”
341: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 20:19
Stopping for a bite with Konno on the way from school.
“Hey, your sweet potato is bigger than mine! Come on, let’s switch.”
386: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 20:44
I want to bring a porn magazine to school and read it in front of Ishikawa on purpose — just so she would hate me.
402: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 20:54
I’ve just transferred to this school. I sit down in the first empty seat I see.
———— Blackboard ————
Yaguchi Ishikawa Abe
Ogawa Me Kamei
Michishige Fujimoto Tsuji
“Teacher, someone is kicking my chair. Hard.”
474: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 21:55
Bleh. I hate having to clean up the classr– AAAAHH!!
Kamei! What the hell are you doing inside the cleaning closet?! You scared me half to death!
489: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 22:02
If Ayaka was the school nurse, all the boys in class would be running a high fever every day.
571: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 22:27
Reina, refusing to bathe with everyone else at the class trip.
575: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 22:27
ヾ从 ;` ヮ´;)ノ
595: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 22:33
Teacher! Asami-chan peed herself!
646: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 22:48
Teacher! Yaguchi-san and Fujimoto-san are drinking out in the schoolyard!
763: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 23:36
Teacher! Iida-san created a new religion!
564: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 22:25
Teacher! Matsuura-san apparently has chlamydia!
627: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 22:41
Teacher! Miki-chan collapsed!
Allow me to give her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation!
630: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 22:41
Negative! Matsuura, you do it!
751: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 23:30
Konno looking at us boys with contempt in her eyes when we’re celebrating having managed to find a dirty word in the dictionary.
793: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/19 23:56
I’m going to sexually harass Takahashi Ai-chan by asking her in P.E. why she’s just taking it easy that day.
846: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/20 01:28
Even if every other person in class was an H!P member, and even if I was the only guy in class, I can with confidence say that not a single one of them would ever talk to me.
848: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/20 01:31
If someone had lost their swimsuit, I would immediately be the first one everyone would be suspicious of.
858: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/20 01:40
I sometimes have dreams like this, except it’s only like two or three members.
861: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/20 01:49
Man, nothing at all happened in my youth.
897: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/20 12:07
Me: “You’ve gained weight again.“
Ogawa: “Shut up! I’m going through a growth period!“
Me: “Still, you ought to lose a bit of weight.“
Ogawa: “Whatever!“
Me: “If you lost weight, I’d fall in love with you.“
Ogawa: “H-huh…?!“
Me: “Why’s your face getting all red? I was just kidding! (laughs)“
Ogawa: “M-my face isn’t getting red!!“
892: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/20 07:29
The air from my bike tires is gone again!
It’s that damn Miki’s fault for always riding in the back seat…
890: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/20 07:10
I have a crush on Takahashi so I went to Fujimoto to ask for her advice, but she just started crying all of a sudden. What’s with her…?
911: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/20 14:12
You guys sure do love Fujimoto.
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“On the day of our graduation, I’ll probably get confessed to by Eririn under that legendary tree… I have to get my body ready while I still have time.”
A Tokimemo reference! I wonder what her stat requirements would be.
Intelligence: 100 (One of us has to be)
Inner Strength: 2000 (For the inevitable day when she leaves)
Turtles: 3,000,000
>>One of us has to be
If H!P Girls were all my class mates, maybe I’d attend some classes.
Who am I kidding? I wouldn’t anyway.
This makes me sad.. I miss Hello Morning..
848: 名無し募集中。。。 2004/01/20 01:31
If someone had lost their swimsuit, I would immediately be the first one everyone would be suspicious of.
I’ll probably be in the same situation as this guy
That would probably be one of the funniest class environments ever.. Can you imagine the likes of Tsuji/Kago, Charmy Ishikawa, Mikitty, Kamei, Maachan, Riho, Ikuta, Daaishi and others all in one class.. I would never want to miss class, perfect attendance for sure.. It seems like every day would be awesomely interesting
1. Everytime Sayu says she’s cute I’d reply: “No, you’re not”. But during the graduation ceremony I’d tell her: “You know what? You are actually really cute…”
2. Maa-chan would come to me hiding behind my back when she’s done something wrong. And I’d ask her “What was it this time?”
3. I’d prank Eripon and pretend to be cursed by her “magic”.
4. My gaze would end every bullying in the class. Kei might be too grateful, though…
5. Yosshi would challenge me on any occasions but I’d refuse with the words: “You’d win anyway…”
6. I’d be the class representative but I wouldn’t like it… Too many troublemakers!
This might be an interesting scenario for a fanfiction… Maybe I’ll write it on Amino ^^
1. Student council president would be Hamaura Ayano who would insist everyone call her Hamachan Taisa.
2. Music teacher Takahashi Ai would be fired from the school for an inappropriate relationship with music prodigy Mano Erina.
3. Sasaki Rikako, Makino Maria, and Kaga Kaede would form a “mean girls” trio and bully other students, but would always break down in laughter at the end. After several months many girls would get depressed if they were not the victims of these three devils fake bullying.
4 Fukumura Mizuki would find a different extravagant way of coming to school every day, such as by a fleet of limos, by helicopter, or by a wheelless carriage carried by four retainers.
5. Fujimoto Miki and Yaguchi Mari would get kicked out of school for subsidized dating.
6. Shimamura Uta would disappear from school one day with no explanation. Half the boys in school would refuse to date on the assumption that she was coming back.
7. Takeuchi Akari would pretend to be a boy so that she could play on the baseball team. The ruse fooled absolutely no one but the baseball team pretended that they were fooled so she could play since she was a good player. Because she is short, she would get on base by walks a lot.
I would fell in love with Yukarin(everybody does), one day she moved to another school, I cried, saw on the net she’s dating a boy in her new school. Cries again.
Yukarin would promise everybody we would graduate together. You would spend time planning to confess to her then she would suddenly transfer school and join the idol business.
Maa-chan causing a ruckus and getting everyone in trouble except herself. Never studies but is the top in her class
Duu, oblivious to Maa-chan’s feelings and making her jealous by hanging out with other girls who admire her
Haruna reading manga during class and doodling boys’ love drawings
Akane, somewhat naive but an honor student
Miki, returnee. Also an honor student
Eripon on her phone during class, gossiping during break. MMA club captain. A trendsetter among the students
Fukuhime the class prez being admired by every girl in school even though she actually has a secret crush on the kindergarten teacher from the school down the road
Maria raising her hand for every question even if she doesn’t know the answer and getting upset when she isn’t called on
Oharu, taking pictures of teachers and students when their backs are turned, doodling on them, and posting them online. Seen by teachers as an exemplar student.
Ayumi, frequently called on by teacher when least prepared. Eats only watermelon slices for lunch every day.
Kaede, leader of school band, admired by many for her dedication but unexpectedly awkward
Yokoyama, school band member, has feelings for their leader but can’t manage to be seen as more than a friend
Oda, a member of the school choir. Occasionally talks to the star students, but doesn’t have many friends.
Chisaki, the new transfer student. Still misses her old town but is trying to make new friends
…somehow this just naturally turned into a schoolgirl yuri setting lol
Well, better than lots of those perverted 2ch situations
I hate to self insert but since the thread calls for it, I guess I’d be friends with the honor students and Harunan and admire Fukuhime from afar
I’d definitely be friends with Iida. We’d probably make fun of people like Ogawa or Yasuda.
You form an occult club with iida. Discuss about aliens and ufo
Aiai becomes the president after Kaori graduates
Harunan joins shortly after
Iida played a fortune teller on Hello!Morning.
She also seems to space out. People think she’s communicating with aliens
#33: “If the guys in class were all wota, the girls would stop coming to class.”
Most likely, lol.