1: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/19(火) 17:30:49.61 0.net
It’s now been over a month since I started studying abroad! I still can’t speak English at all. (^^) I try to strike up conversations at restaurants or when I’m buying ice cream or stuff, but I’ve gotten into the bad habit of getting through those conversations by just smiling a lot. (laughs)
Still, I’m so glad I decided to come study abroad. (^^) I’ve made friends with lots of people I would’ve otherwise never met in Japan, and I have the support of so many people here! So that’s why I’ll definitely become able to speak English!!! To start off, I have to start by cutting back on using gestures so much. (laughs)
I have school tomorrow so I’m going to go sleep now!
Good night 🌝❤️
4: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/19(火) 17:32:53.84 0.net
Well duh.
17: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/19(火) 17:38:13.04 0.net
You’re saying the obvious, Chinami.
26: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/19(火) 17:44:11.16 0.net
I’m relieved to know Chinami hasn’t changed a bit.
28: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/19(火) 17:45:21.69 0.net
Plot twist: she actually traveled to France by mistake.
5: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/19(火) 17:34:00.36 0.net
A month isn’t enough. It takes you at least three months to understand just the bare minimum.
7: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/19(火) 17:34:56.25 0.net
She would’ve been okay had she properly studied grammar while in Japan.
13: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/19(火) 17:36:11.88 0.net
Grammar has nothing to do with it.
12: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/19(火) 17:36:07.66 0.net
It takes years to get good at a language.
14: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/19(火) 17:36:22.67 0.net
People who can hardly even speak their native language can’t possible learn a foreign one.
18: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/19(火) 17:38:15.83 0.net
Quite on the contrary, actually.
19: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/19(火) 17:38:30.10 0.net
She still has plenty of time.
29: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/19(火) 17:45:41.77 O.net
90% of the people who actually know Chinami knew this was coming. It’s just like “ah, I knew it.” But that’s okay! Because a Chinami who’s a good learner is no Chinami at all!
49: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/19(火) 18:07:27.84 0.net
I’m just happy she’s enjoying her study abroad.
30: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/19(火) 17:46:07.48 0.net
从*´∇`)< The global common language isn’t English. It’s the language of smile!
35: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/19(火) 17:52:13.64 0.net
Smiling really is the best way of communication.
47: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/19(火) 18:05:48.46 0.net
My roommate♩ She is very cute!!! We are both in the same class.
She’s a French girl visiting on a homestay! She’s ssssssoooooooo cute!!!! She has like the No. 1 face that I want to have myself. ✨#jealous
54: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/19(火) 18:10:13.63 0.net
73: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/19(火) 18:47:24.50 0.net
Ooh! It’s French Miyabi-chan!
57: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/19(火) 18:12:18.63 0.net
I studied abroad myself. Everyone is like that the first couple of months.
48: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/19(火) 18:06:22.67 0.net
I spent three months traveling in America, but I could only learn the most basic phrases. You can survive knowing just enough to buy things, order food, and reserve a hotel room. It’s so easy to get stuck in that rut. You won’t learn the language simply by being in that country.
60: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/19(火) 18:13:47.49 0.net
Publish it!
65: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/19(火) 18:19:41.61 0.net
Rather than watching Chinami learn English, what I’d prefer seeing is her trying to make it using nothing but body language. For about two years.
Tokunaga Chinami writes English blog post to demonstrate
what she’s learned during her study abroad!!!
1: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/27(水) 17:36:07.75 0.net
26th January
Today is sunny!!! It’s very hot day!!!
After school I went to the shoppingmall with my friends✨
I ate yogurt ice❤️ it was very delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today I go back at home by bus I used the bus second time!!
Today I’m tired…….
I will go to bed early!! Good night
2: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/27(水) 17:36:57.19 0.net
She’s a genius.
5: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/27(水) 17:37:49.42 0.net
I got what she was trying to say.
10: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/27(水) 17:39:26.76 0.net
I can picture Miyabi-chan getting violently pissed off at this. Seeing her friend quit the Factory and becoming fluent in English after just a month of studying abroad…
17: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/27(水) 17:46:29.38 0.net
Wow. Studying abroad really makes a difference. She’s pretty much native level already.
18: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/27(水) 17:47:37.23 0.net
Is it just me or is Chinami actually pretty much the smartest member of Berryz?
21: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/27(水) 17:49:23.98 0.net
Not just Berryz, but Kids in general.
30: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/27(水) 17:54:23.67 0.net
At this level she could easily do the English translations for all the music videos.
Yajima Maimi speaks on phone with Tokunaga Chinami!
1: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/21(木) 15:55:28.55 0.net
A phone call from over there! (Maimi)
2016-01-21 08:46:07Good morning. (^^)
Yesterday I spoke on the phone with Tokunaga Chinami who’s currently studying abroad.
We usually chat on LINE, but this time I got to actually hear her voice for the first time in a while.
She was happily talking about how “I’m not at all fluent in English yet or anything, but the other day I went to Subway and since I’ve developed this habit of just smiling a lot to get out of any sticky situation, I basically made my entire order by just smiling!! \(^o^)/”
It was nighttime over there when we were talking, but she was apparently doing some studying at her desk so she went “here, I’ll show you (o^^o)” and turned on video. She then showed me her daily English diary she’s been keeping (≧∇≦)
I was like “Huh?! That’s amazing! (゚Д゚)”… until she went “look over here — it’s full of corrections!
” She then zoomed in on one of the corrections that had been done using a red pen.
This(laughs) That kind of gave me a peace of mind.
She’s apparently made friends over there, too, and she seems very happy.
She said that since there are so many different kinds of people over there, it’s given her so much stimulus, she thinks her entire sense of values has changed!
Chinami’s travel destination seems so nice! I want to go there some day myself.
If I ever get to take a long vacation, that’s where I’m headed!
I’ll get Chinami to show me around.
Whenever I need help with the language, Chinami will help me with her fluent English.
That’s my dream.In any case, Chinami is doing fine.
Let’s all wait for Chinami to come back having become all fluent in English, okay? (^^)This picture is from when I met Chinami the last time before she headed over there.
18: 名無し募集中。。。 (アウアウ Sa05-i/2J) 2016/01/21(木) 16:11:56.87 ID:fLmVafO0a.net
Chinami was just trying to explain the meaning of dissing someone.
9: 名無し募集中。。。 (ワッチョイ 02c3-i/2J) 2016/01/21(木) 16:06:13.09 ID:tewS0rC60.net
I love seeing these sorts of connections between members. They make me feel all fluffy inside.
31: 名無し募集中。。。 (ワッチョイ a9df-0352) 2016/01/21(木) 17:11:44.22 ID:cMCkFeAj0.net
I simply can’t picture imagine a scenario where Chinami would actually come back to Japan, having had become completely in fluent in English.
24: 名無し募集中。。。 (ワッチョイ 02c3-i/2J) 2016/01/21(木) 16:20:44.03 ID:tewS0rC60.net
I’m happy to see how these two continue to be close friends.
36: 名無し募集中。。。 (アウアウ Sa05-isEB) 2016/01/21(木) 17:43:32.79 ID:h8JTZvE0a.net
Dis is a pen.
Sources: http://helloprocanvas.ldblog.jp/archives/47568958.html, http://helloprocanvas.ldblog.jp/archives/47644386.html, http://helloprocanvas.ldblog.jp/archives/47586897.html
Im thinking she ll return with ogawa grade english skills.
Ogawa was a sweet girl and all but that english was…yeah.
Thanks, those were fun!
dis article is really funny
Where is chinami now? New Zealand?
Yes, she is in New Zealand.
I should get my ticket to Christchurch now
Oh my Chinami…