1: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/02/11(土) 12:17:54.14 ID:0
What do I do…? (´・ω・`)
4: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/02/11(土) 12:25:33.94 ID:0
It’s always been meaningless.
5: フーバ ◆gt7EAuLkko 2012/02/11(土) 12:28:14.27 ID:0
You can start being a wota out of loneliness, but idols will never fill the hole of loneliness that’s in your heart.
7: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/02/11(土) 12:55:43.04 ID:0
Being a wota doesn’t define my whole life. I don’t buy several CD’s for the sake of one event, it’s more than enough for me seeing one concert of a tour, and even when my oshi puts out a photobook or a DVD, I’ll only buy it if I like it. But lately even the little time and money I do put into it is starting to feel pointless to me.