8 comments on “Good news! Uemura Aarii: “I want Sugaya-san to teach me how to do my makeup”

  1. not only captain but entire berryz should graduate in the near future. This to give room to formation of new group.

  2. Uemuu, please don’t! You’re so freaking beautiful when you’re natural.

    The day Berryz graduates will be definitely very sad, but… I want to see them doing something new. For example, Maasa mentioned that she would like to be an actress or a seiyuu, Yurina would make a great model, Momochi should stay in an entertainment industry as a tarento, and Risako is really into fashion & make-up, so…

    They’re all still young, but not, y’know, THAT young. I think it’s a great time for them to graduate and go in their own ways.

      • That’s quite old in the idol world.
        Average idol ages have been trending downward this last decade

    • They can simply graduate from H!P, but continue on as a UFA group. Course the idol world isn’t limited by age or even past careers. Ebisu Muscats has porn stars and gravure idols. They didn’t last very long. I think the fact that they grabbed porn stars was one of the reasons they probably didn’t last long. Wotas want them to be pure.

  3. All of Berryz can graduate. Maasa becomes a seiyuu, Yurina and Miya become models, Chii becomes a comedian, Momo does whatever on tv shows, Captain becomes a real Captain of a cruiseship, and Rii marries me. Done

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