1: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/30 14:04:57
From the June issue of Gekkan ENTAME:
―― First, can you tell us how you thought of Takahashi Ai?
Tanaka: Me and Ai-chan often discussed singing. Although Ai-chan is my senior, emotionally I might be stronger than her in some aspects. When Ai-chan went “I can’t do this!”, I’d encourage her by saying “You’re fine! We can’t give up now. Let’s do our best!” We weren’t rivals — she felt more like my partner. Lots of members have graduated from Morning Musume up until now, but Ai-chan’s graduation was the most shocking to me… I really thought Morning Musume was going to end! I kept telling Ai-chan “No no no! I’m telling you it’ll be bad news if you leave!” I was really worried. “You’re really quitting? You’re joking, right? And then what are you going to do?!” (laughs)
―― But in the end, Takahashi-san did graduate and Morning Musume still exists.
Tanaka: Right. Because the group is still going strong without Ai-chan, it really made me realize that Morning Musume will be fine no matter who graduates. Morning Musume’s members are not its only strength. There’s our staff who have given their utmost effort for the group up until now, and of course there’s also our fans who keep supporting us.
―― Since the Morning Musume of today is still gaining popularity even without Takahashi-san, perhaps that can be attributed to the current lineup of the group.
Tanaka: But even now I still think that the lineup back when Ai-chan and Eri were in the group was the strongest. I feel that it would’ve been something amazing had the group back then attained the same level of popularity as today.
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