0: Henkka 2014/07/17(木)
As you may have heard, Yuukarin was in the audience at S/mileage’s recent Budokan performance. This report is from the point of view of a fan who concentrated on watching her the entire concert.
Katsuta Bakuwara says she wants to become a model
1: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/06/30(月) 16:53:04.43 0
Source: yesterday’s radio.
3: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/06/30(月) 16:54:04.51 0
Huh? Seriously? (laughs)
2: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/06/30(月) 16:54:03.87 0
Somehow it just feels like giving any sort of reaction here would mean I’ve lost…
39: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/07/01(火) 02:06:07.34 0
She could probably become a model for like a bookstore commercial that only shows her thighs.
7: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/06/12(木) 01:23:30.26 0.net
8: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/06/12(木) 01:23:52.54 0.net
9: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/06/12(木) 01:23:56.27 0.net
She’s model level.
12: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/06/12(木) 01:24:28.26 0.net
She’s pretty tall already, too. There’s no doubt she’ll exceed at least 160cm.
1: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/06/12(木) 01:20:59.52 0.net
1: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/06/18(水) 15:55:20.99 0.net
Yamada Takayuki @yamadatakayuki_
2014/6/18 3:50 PMI’ve lived my life working towards saving up five hundred million yen because I was thinking that should be enough to convince them to let me join S/mileage. But lately I’m realizing they probably wouldn’t let me join the group even if I did somehow manage to save up all that money. So instead I’ll be aiming towards not five but six hundred million as I keep doing my best. Guess I have to say goodbye to quite a lot of commodities.
225: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/06/18(水) 16:56:03.22 0.net
I laughed at how many retweets that got. (Note: As of time of writing, ~3400 RT’s, ~4100 favs)
1: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/05/12(月) 00:12:59.34 0
Ayacho alone is using the sharp symbol to make hashtags. (laughs)
S/mileage @smileage_715 · 2 hours ago
Fufuu! Fufufufufufuuui!
Wada Ayaka. ♯smileage pic.twitter.com/3KMbBVJfutS/mileage @smileage_715 · 3 hours ago
The Sendai performance is over! Right now Nakanishi Kana-chan is running around with our manager’s backpack! Wada Ayaka. ♯smileage pic.twitter.com/jFoBPjwiYU
16: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/05/12(月) 00:17:13.07 0
That’s my Ayacho. This is why she’s my oshi.
So you often hear stories about this
legendary beauty called “Yuukarin”…
1: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/02/07(金) 19:04:23.84 0
But did she actually even exist?
3: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/02/07(金) 19:05:36.09 0
Yuukarin was a dream.
6: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/02/07(金) 19:06:27.53 0
She was an illusion.
1: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/12/22(日) 18:41:18.82 0
With the new song titled “Ii Yatsu”, they talked on the topic of ii yatsu. (Note: “good guy/girl/thing”) After Rinapuu talked about how her pet dog is a good girl, everyone else started talking about their pet dogs as well. Suddenly Ayacho started crying and said “Cheese was a good boy, too…” Instantly the members and everyone in the audience went like “…oh crap.” #smileage
(Note: in case you didn’t know, Ayacho’s pet dog Cheese passed away in December.)
2: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/12/22(日) 18:41:56.40 0