2: 名無し募集中。。。 2018/05/21(月) 20:56:35.71
Young Town 2018/4/21
Sanma: What do you drink?
Fukumura: I drink white wine and umeshu, as well as like this… strawberry lumps, something-or-the-other drink. But I was surprised to know that Harunan likes highballs (whiskey and soda) and things like that.
Iikubo: I love them.
Sanma: That’s cool. Highballs are really popular right now.
Iikubo: You don’t really get fat from drinking them apparently.
Sanma: I can’t drink highballs. I’m always just drinking wine. Doesn’t that stuff taste harsh to you?
Iikubo: Well, I prefer ginger highballs so it just tastes like ginger ale. My go-to drink, though, is sake.
Sanma: Do you drink at home with the evening meal?
Iikubo: I don’t. But sometimes I’ll go to a jazz bar by myself and drink there.
4: fusianasan 2018/05/21(月) 21:00:09.60
White wine, umeshu, and “strawberry lumps, something-or-the-other drink.” That’s cute.
13: 名無し募集中。。。 2018/05/21(月) 21:04:59.33
H!P members drinking amongst themselves is nice, but going to a jazz bar all by yourself…?
17: 名無し募集中。。。 2018/05/21(月) 21:07:11.92
It’s weird how unfitting it sounds to hear the words “jazz bar” coming out of Iikubo-san’s mouth. (laughs)
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