1: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/09(木) 03:39:52.04 0.net
好きな人が優しかった (“The person I loved was kind.”) [The Peace!]
2: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/09(木) 03:40:11.67 0.net
お肌プルプルなのは苺のベッドで寝てるからよ (“My skin is soft for I sleep on a bed of strawberries.”) [Kanojo ni Naritai!!!]
7: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/09(木) 03:44:32.21 0.net
寝不足は寝るしか無い (“Sleep is the only cure for a lack of sleep.”) [TIKI BUN]
10: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/09(木) 03:47:14.93 0.net
モーニングコーヒー飲もうよ二人で (“Let’s drink morning coffee by the two of us.”) [Morning Coffee]
14: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/09(木) 03:55:16.38 0.net
初めて生きてるこの人生失敗もあるさ (“Of course you’re going to make mistakes — it’s your first time living this life, after all.”) [Choto Mate Kudasai!]
Hearing this phrase was enough to make me want to stay by Terada’s side forever.
12: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/09(木) 03:51:44.20 0.net
色っぽいビスケット (“A sexy biscuit.”) (Iroppoi Jireittai)
3: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/09(木) 03:41:05.61 0.net
ずっとこんな日が続けばと思うほど愛してたのに (“I loved you so much it made me wish those days would’ve gone on forever.”) [Zurui Onna]
17: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/09(木) 03:59:29.69 0.net
束縛止めてよ 羽が傷つく (“Stop trying to tie me down — you’re going to hurt my wings.”) [Fantasy ga Hajimaru]
39: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/09(木) 05:08:46.67 0.net
相思相愛がいい あなたと同じだけ好きがいい (“I want mutual love: I want us to love each other exactly the same amount.”) [BE HAPPY Koi no Yajirobee]
50: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/09(木) 06:18:14.11 0.net
晴れの日があるから必ず雨も降る (“It’s because we have sunny days that we’ll definitely have rainy days, too.”) [I WISH]
The fact that it isn’t “sunny days → rainy days” but the opposite is what gives it a sense of realism and makes it work.
51: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/09(木) 06:26:49.49 0.net
君の事など興味ない (“I have no interest in you whatsoever.”) [aMa no Jaku]
54: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/09(木) 06:58:08.42 0.net
今日がこの先の未来より一番若いんだし (“You’re younger today than you’re ever going to be in the future.”) [Haru Beautiful Everyday]
56: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/09(木) 07:20:30.91 0.net
恋は石ころよりもあふれてると思ってた なのにダイヤモンドより見つけられない (“I thought love was as common as pebbles, but now I find that it’s rarer than diamonds.”) [Single Bed]
61: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/09(木) 08:43:43.43 0.net
もしもこの星が一日で 最後迎えるとしても 面白い話して忘れさせてほしい 「出来るでしょ」 (“Even if the world was ending today, I’d want you to tell me something funny to make me forget. You’d do that for me, wouldn’t you?”) [Moshimo…]
64: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/09(木) 13:41:41.54 0.net
君は なぜ なぜ まっすぐに素直に生きないんだろう もっと肩の力を抜いて 自然体でいいのにな 君は自由に 未来での成功をイメージして 人のうわさならどうでもいい 焦ることもないさ (“Why, why don’t you lead a more honest life? Don’t take yourself so seriously; just relax. Be free, and imagine your future success. Who cares what people may say about you — it’s nothing to be worried about.”) [Asu wo Tsukuru no wa Kimi]
67: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/09(木) 14:17:51.00 0.net
君を君を愛している だから あるがままでいてほしい (“I love you, I love you, and that’s why I want you to be yourself.”) [Asu wo Tsukuru no wa Kimi]
This isn’t a romantic love song, but more of a song from a father’s viewpoint, isn’t it? It’s just an honest, completely selfless “I love you” straight from the heart.
73: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/09(木) 14:32:55.57 0.net
I’m at work and you’re going to make me cry.
65: 名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/ 2015/04/09(木) 14:15:18.31 0.net
才能なんてあると思うなじゃないと努力しないだろ (“Don’t ever take yourself for someone naturally talented — if you do, you’re not going to do your best anymore.”) [Kimi no Kawari wa Iyashinai]
74: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/09(木) 14:35:11.90 0.net
食欲すごく落ちてる ケーキが2個っきゃ入んない (“I have no appetite — I only managed to eat two cakes.”) [Tsukiatteru no ni Kataomoi]
76: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/09(木) 14:47:16.80 0.net
世界の神様たちよ 彼は良い人よ だから絶対幸せに そして私も便乗でハッピー (“Hear me, gods of the world: he’s a good guy, so please make him happy. And while you’re at it, throw some happiness my way, too.”) [Tanjun Sugi na no Watashi…]
It’s cute how this lyric mixes the genuine wish for this person’s happiness, as well as a bit of cheekiness in how she wants to share in that same happiness, too.
80: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/09(木) 15:28:05.03 0.net
好きでいるほど胸が苦しい 愛がこれほど偉大と知った 安心する言葉を聴かせて 貴方から告白したのよ (“The more I love you, the more my chest hurts. I finally realize how great love can be. Please give me some words of comfort: you’re the one who confessed to me, after all.”) [Hatsukoi no Anata e]
82: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/09(木) 20:29:55.66 0.net
悲しみのない星では優しくなれないだろう? (“Could you ever be kind in a world with no sadness?”) [Ame no Furanai Hoshi de wa Aisenai Darou?]
85: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/09(木) 23:14:21.28 0.net
君はどんな顔で歌う 君はどんな声で笑う また次の世でも会えるかな切ないよ 遠い未来はわかるのに明日のことが決められない 愛しくて愛しくて尊さを感じてる (“How will you look like when you sing? How will you sound like when you laugh? Will we meet again in the next world? It’s so painful. I know what the future looks like, and yet, I can’t even decide what I want out of tomorrow. You are so precious and invaluable to me.”) [Toki wo Koe Sora wo Koe]
I have a small child myself, so I can really relate to this as a parent. I’m just listening and crying to Toki Sora all the time as of late.
87: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/10(金) 02:10:27.84 0.net
大人ぶった下手なメイクじゃ心隠せない (“I can’t hide my feelings for you with just badly done, wannabe-adult make-up.”) [Summer Night Town]
92: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/10(金) 06:40:20.58 0.net
地球は丸い 世界は広い 自分のスケールを決めず もっと自由がいい (“The earth is round, the world is vast, and I can’t find my place. I want to be free.”) [Tenshinranman]
It’s fantastic how he mixes lyrics like these with the ones of an excited, young girl in love.
93: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/10(金) 07:12:04.87 0.net
すごい!やばい! (“Sugoi! Yabai!”) [Romance no Tochuu]
95: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/10(金) 08:06:57.90 0.net
目をキラキラさせて僕に語った君の将来図は ただ聞いてるだけで胸が熱くなり泣きそうになった (“Eyes sparkling, you told me all about your grand plans for the future. Just listening to you talk made my chest so hot I felt I would cry.”) [Kimi Sae Ireba Nani mo Iranai]
I made a thread before about how much of a genius Terada is for being able to write a lyric like that.
182: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/11(土) 00:42:38.56 0.net
I seriously bawled my eyes out to this lyric. Terada is a genius.
96: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/10(金) 08:17:11.76 0.net
お家に帰ったらサボったのきっとばれるなたこ焼きのソースと初恋のにおいで (“When I get home, my parents will surely know I skipped school… from the smell of yakisoba sauce and first love on me.”) [Sabori]
These aren’t the lyrics some middle-aged dude is supposed to be writing. (laughs)
104: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/10(金) 11:20:31.98 0.net
I looked it up and he was 39 when he wrote that. (laughs)
97: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/10(金) 08:18:43.40 O.net
また一人ぼっちマリコ (“You’re alone again, Mariko.”) [Naichau Kamo]
105: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/10(金) 11:30:31.46 0.net
女の園って ねたみ やっかみと 甘いケーキで出来てる (“The garden of women is made of jealousy, envy, and sugary cakes.”) [Onna no Sono]
106: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/10(金) 11:31:12.31 0.net
ライバルは弱気で後ろ向きな私 (“My rival is the me who gets weak and worries about her past.”) [Rival]
107: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/10(金) 15:01:19.02 O.net
明日をこっちのペースに巻き込むのさ (“I’m going to make tomorrow play out by my terms.”) [Namidacchi]
110: 名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/ 2015/04/10(金) 15:15:27.79 0.net
少しずつ大人になって寂しさを知った (“Little by little I grew up and got to know what loneliness means.”) [Ganbacchae!]
112: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/10(金) 15:22:22.18 0.net
ドクターストップがかかるほど恋落ちしてるわ (“I’ve fallen in love with you so badly, even my doctor is telling me to stop.”) [Uchouten LOVE]
117: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/10(金) 15:43:34.85 0.net
この柔肌に嘘などないんだ (“This soft skin of mine tells no lies.”) [Renai Hunter]
123: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/10(金) 16:35:28.06 O.net
私はローズクォーツ (“I am a rose quartz.”) [Ijiwaru Shinaide Dakishimete yo]
125: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/10(金) 16:54:15.82 0.net
目の前にあるその問題点 解決すべきはそこじゃない 深呼吸をゆっくりして俯瞰でごらんなさい (“The problem you’re facing now, that’s not the real issue. Take a deep breath and look at the bigger picture.”) [Asu wo Tsukuru no wa Kimi]
132: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/10(金) 17:31:22.89 0.net
本当に 好きならば 好きと 黒板に 書いてみて (“If you really mean it when you say you love me, then write so on the blackboard.”) [Gaki Taishou]
140: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/10(金) 17:51:57.63 0.net
泣いちゃう日もあるよ 女の子だもん (“There are days I’m going to cry, too — I’m a girl, after all.”) [Tachiagaaru]
143: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/10(金) 17:55:43.14 0.net
この夏はあなたがいる (“This summer you are here.”) [Manatsu no Kousen]
146: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/10(金) 17:58:59.83 0.net
儚い初恋は 叶わないから良い (“A fleeting first love is so great because it doesn’t come true.”) [Roman ~MY DEAR BOY~]
147: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/10(金) 18:00:04.74 0.net
どんなに不景気だって恋はインフレーション (“No matter how bad the economy is, love is always in inflation.”) [LOVE Machine]
148: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/10(金) 18:27:10.05 0.net
バイバイもう二度と会わないけれど 好きすぎて嘘みたい (“Bye bye, we’re never going to meet again, but I love you so much it feels like a lie.”) [Suki Sugite Baka Mitai]
154: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/10(金) 22:21:55.55 0.net
歌は国境越えてどこまでもすすむよ (“Music is an universal language that can reach anywhere.”) [Koko ni Iruzee!]
Seeing how great of a reception they got overseas made me realize what this line really meant.
161: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/10(金) 23:02:01.87 0.net
Same here. I got goosebumps seeing them singing this at the France performance.
204: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/11(土) 06:25:15.30 O.net
Yeah. And Jun-Lin being there made it that much more real.
163: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/10(金) 23:14:00.84 0.net
愛という字を辞書で引いたぞ 家族の顔が先に浮かんで来たぞ (“As I looked up the word “love” in the dictionary, I remembered the faces of my family.”) [Chokotto LOVE]
178: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/11(土) 00:32:56.78 0.net
前髪もぱっつんだぞ とっぽいショートカット この星を私色に変えられそうな気がする (“A fresh-looking short cut with perfect bangs, it feels like I’ll be able to make the world mine.”) [Shortcut]
Getting a new haircut and being so excited about it she feels like she can change the entire world to her liking… just how cute are these lyrics?
179: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/11(土) 00:34:23.86 0.net
Terada’s lyrics are really painful to hear when you’re trying to heal your broken heart.
185: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/11(土) 00:52:48.90 0.net
Tsunku’s lyrics are so fun because of how they make your imagination run wild.
188: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/11(土) 01:31:20.90 0.net
実際 女に生まれてよかった 楽しいもん (“In truth, I’m glad I was born a girl — it’s just fun!”) [Yume Miru 15sai]
193: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/11(土) 02:15:02.26 0.net
街じゅうみんな ライバルだけど 運命共同体 (“Everyone around town is my rival, yet we all share the same destiny.”) [Kacchoii Uta]
All of Mobekimasu’s lyrics are amazing. Each one of them is different from the other, but they all feel very Tsunku-like.
201: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/11(土) 05:57:53.03 0.net
車の中はいつも 香水のいい香りね 私のじゃない いい匂いがするけど でも嫌い・・・ (“Your car always smells of such nice perfume, but it’s not mine. It’s a nice smell, but I hate it…”) [Kousui]
215: 名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/ 2015/04/11(土) 08:47:35.46 0.net
お母さんだって夢中で誰か愛した事あるでしょう (“Even my mother has surely loved someone with all her being at one point.”) [Suki yo, Junjou Hankouki]
245: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/12(日) 02:39:19.69 0.net
大人はズルいとか そう感じてるだろう 大人は君に戻りたいと思ってるよ (“You might feel like adults are unfair, but in reality they all want to be your age again.”) [Egao no Kimi wa Taiyou sa]
261: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/12(日) 04:42:36.72 0.net
恋ができる 君に会える なんて素晴らしいこの幸せ 君も元気 みんな元気 平穏のなかに感動があるね ねっ!? (“I was able to fall in love and I was able to meet you — just how happy can one be? You’re doing good, we’re all doing good, and there’s something touching about peace and calm, right? Right!?”) [Be Genki <Naseba Naru!>]
282: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/12(日) 08:16:24.70 0.net
通算何回わらったろ 何回キスしたろ 何回じぇらしったろ 通算何回大好きと思っただろう (“In total, how many times have you made me laugh? How many times have we kissed? How many times have I gotten jealous over you? In total, how many times have I thought about how I love you?”) [Magic of Love]
283: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/12(日) 08:20:35.54 0.net
迷うわセクシーなのキュートなのどっちが好きなの? (“I can’t decide: do I go for cute or for sexy? Which do you like more?”) [Ne~e?]
300: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/12(日) 20:48:54.62 0.net
みんなどうやって恋始めるの? 駅と駅 家と会社行ったり来たりeveryday (“Just how does everyone manage to fall in love when every day is spent walking between train station to train station and home to work?”) [Yowamushi]
As a single woman in my thirties, songs like Yowamushi and Cinderella Complex hit me so hard.
303: 名無し募集中。。。 2015/04/13(月) 15:16:02.88 0.net
大嫌い大嫌い大嫌い 大好き (“I hate you I hate you I hate you, I love you”) [Summer Night Town]
32. 名無しさん@ハロプロキャンバス 2015年04月14日 19:21 ID:WPr6.8.gO
テレビを見てたら 不安になっちゃって あなたに電話した雪の夜 (“I was watching TV and I got worried, so I called you in the middle of that snowy night.”) [Oujisama to Yuki no Yoru]
I was reading some reviews for this where someone pointed out how this might be an allusion to 9/11. I love how nonchalant this lyric is.
35. 名無しさん@ハロプロキャンバス 2015年04月14日 19:58 ID:1xqXx5QV0
足りないものはあなたが足りない 白馬に乗った王子様 (“The thing I lack is you — my prince on a white horse.”)
電車の中でチューしたい! (“I want to kiss on the train!”)
同級生に彼氏のことを自慢したい! (“I want to brag to my classmates about getting a boyfriend!”) [Lalala no Pipipi]
小さい頃夢みてた幼稚園の先生とはちょっと違う進路を選んだ (“I ended up choosing a slightly different path from my childhood dream of becoming a kindergarten teacher.”) [Sekaiichi HAPPY na Onnanoko]
This lyric is about me.
40. 名無しさん@ハロプロキャンバス 2015年04月14日 21:12 ID:fSxHFVb50
笑って全部許せ 笑って素直になれ 笑って明日に進め (“Laugh and forgive all; laugh and be honest; laugh and proceed towards tomorrow.”) [Wakuteka Take a chance]
This is the kind of person I strive to be.
43. 名無しさん@ハロプロキャンバス 2015年04月14日 22:38 ID:l.d73pSMO
Listing all the different types of his lyrics: there’s the songs about girls’ feelings, songs about life advice, songs about the bitterness of youth, and songs that are completely undecipherable.
Regardless of who he’s writing for, he always makes them show uncool sides of themselves with his lyrics, but I think that’s proof of what a colorful youth Tsunku must’ve had himself. On the other hand, with Akimoto-sensei, all his lyrics are so polished and refined. They read like the work of a pro. It makes me think about how he must’ve led a painless, completely average youth.
45. 名無しさん@ハロプロキャンバス 2015年04月14日 22:49 ID:DZ6UzcC00
I want a Tsunku♂ poem collection. I don’t need any pictures, just give me a book with nothing but his lyrics.
46. 名無 @ハロプロキャンバス 2015年04月14日 22:59 ID:A84Nh3NL0
I love Tsunku’s lyrics and how they’re not just about love, but there’s also so much in there about the earth, about the universe, and about humanity.
51. 名無しさん@ハロプロキャンバス 2015年04月15日 00:15 ID:7Li4TGZh0
I really feel so bad about Tsunku’s voice that it hurts, but I think it’s because he’s the kind of person who would even sacrifice his voice to be with his family that he’s able to write such persuasive lyrics. I mean, if you look at all his lyrics so far, choosing your voice along with an early death simply wouldn’t have fit with the worldview presented in them.
Of course, that’s not to say that there’d be anything wrong with choosing your voice if there was a person in a similar situation — there is no right or wrong choice. But Tsunku has his beliefs, and he always lives by them, showing them in his music as well. Unlike some professional lyricists, Tsunku isn’t the kind of person who could be able to write lyrics he doesn’t believe in — “Tsunku” and “Tsunku the lyricist” aren’t two separate people for him.
His words come from the heart. That’s why his words are able to move the hearts of others.
Henkka: This is quite a bit off-topic, but since both “Oujisama to Yuki no Yoru” and “BE HAPPY Koi no Yajirobee” were mentioned in the thread… if there’s one arranger I most wish would make even a brief visit back to H!P, Nagai Rui is the guy. Along with the two previously mentioned songs, he also arranged “I&YOU&I&YOU&I,” “Otome Pasta ni Kandou” as well as Minimoni’s “Haru Natsu Aki Fuyu Daisukki!” I would argue that this is not a terrible track record.
In any case, listening to Nagai’s more recent works, it appears not a whole lot has changed in how he approaches music. I wouldn’t mind some more blatant nods to Queen and The Beatles in my H!P.
Source: http://helloprocanvas.ldblog.jp/archives/44267417.html
It”s so fucking modern free avant-garde.
It’s actually a really old poem. look it up.
The entirety of C-ute’s The Middle Management feels like it’s addressed to me in a few years. I can only giggle hysterically because the other option is crying :x
I’m actually learning Japanese mainly so I can appreciate my favourite Japanese songs better, cos with lyrics like these, it’s such a waste to not understand what they mean sometimes. Unfortunately whenever someone asks me why I’m learning Japanese and I tell them that, they just give me a confused look
For what it’s worth: I personally think that’s as good a reason for learning a language as any.
It’s a lot easier telling them that then telling them it’s so you can properly understand tentacle porn.
this is super cliche but h!p lyrics that inspire me: 誰よりも私が私を知ってるから誰よりも信じてあげなくちゃ!
蓋開けて お湯注ぐ ラーメン大好き小池さん
The whole first chorus of Brainstorming really motivates me when I’m feeling down! And listening to Egao no Kimi wa Taiyou sa, as a whole, makes me so happy.
The entirety of 21世紀 is extremely touching. Makes me cry every time ^^”
I’ve always loved the depth in Tsunku’s lyrics but this thread really made me think hard about some of them…his words aren’t great because they’re brilliant, but because they’re true.
For me, Toki wo Koe, Sora wo Koe in its entirety speaks directly to my heart. Especially lines like,
“So lonely that I can’t sleep, you know there are days like that…”
“By the time we are united,
beyond the time and space
I wonder if
this planet will be purified?”
“Do you think we’ll be together in the next life time?
I miss you…”
This song always feels so sad to me, as if Tsunku himself was contemplating his own life and death when he wrote it. Having my own serious health issues, his words really resonate with me. His words are full of these universal truths that almost seem to have the power to transcend the space and time we ourselves are bound to.
Inevitably, a day will come when Tsunku must leave us, or when we must leave him. Like he mused in this song, shall we feel restless and lost, because we’ll never let go? Or will the hope of being together again must keep us moving forward, so that we are together again?
by the time we are united,
beyond the time and space
I wonder if
we can sit down together,
listen to your songs,
and truly laugh and smile
just like you taught us to?
やめて! それ以上 目立たないで みんな気づいちゃう やめて! ライバル増やさないで もう遅いかも
has always had special place in my heart.
Itooshiku Kurushii Kono Yoru ni was totally what happened to a part of my life.
I cried so much when I heard the song.
Sometimes I wonder if Tsunku is a fortune teller…
No matter how many silly lines Tsunku will hide in his songs (Theory Irony, or nearly all of The Peace!), I will always think of him as a lyrical genius. His songs in general are very good, but his lyrics are amazing.
Reading this thread after a graduation message/last performance marathon wasn’t the best thing to do. I’m tearing up again. As said, some lyrics are silly, but others are just deep. It’s not even about a lost love or something, it’s about the whole life – and how life can be beautiful.
Thank you, Tsunku.
“Delivery pizza always troubles me / Large or medium? Pizza (Pizza!)”
Haha, nah, I’m just kidding, but #215 already took my favorite. :D
君と共に友と共に夢と共に汗と共にいつか笑いの絶えない自由な時代が嫌なことなど吹き飛ばすさ (“Together with you and with our friends, with our dreams and our sweat we’ll bring forth an era of freedom where laughter never dies and that blows away all the bad things.”) [Be Alive]
I pretty much completely love the whole song though.
I think the “君はどんな顔で歌う” and “愛しくて愛しくて尊さを感じてる” parts are missing in the translation. Well, I’m not sure how to best put the last part either…
Whoops. Right you are. I just now edited >>85 with a quick translation as I’m hurrying to leave the house.
For some reason the lyrics to 22歳の私 always make me kind of depressed. I guess we all have that feeling of reaching a point and realising “hang on a minute, I don’t really know how this whole life thing works”.
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Maro looked disgusted with Tsunku in that picture and Yuka.. Oh.. Damn it..
poor Yuuka…you can tell in that pic that she’s already contemplating leaving the group =(
Tsunku is such a good lyricist
Nakadashi-kun won’t be posting for a while cos he’s currently searching for an extra job to collect funds for child support ever since he got his girlfriend pregnant. So, I will get the message out on his behalf: Hello Project Dirty Confessions are back (with a vengeance). I can’t post the link of our new website here (I certainly don’t want to offend Henkka), so if you want it, send me an email at yysnggkr@vomoto.com .
Sincerely yours at h!p-perv,
There’s two of them.
Yuugure Ame makes me cry alot
Listening to songs like Uchouten Love, Chotto Matte Kudasai, or Kanojo ni Naritai always make me feel bit tingly inside. It’s like I feel like a 14 years japanese girl. It’s disgustingly fun.
I’m 26 and muscular btw