18 comments on “I noticed something strange about the cover art of Dance de Bakoon!

  1. 30: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/08/09 22:40:54
    The vengeful spirit of Kanna’s foot!

    My favorite C-ute member back in any way, shape or foot makes me happy lol

  2. Post 33 is correct. I think. Look at the toes and you can guess the left and right foot

      • Though Maimi’s legs really seem weird… They’re so much on the left side of her dress?
        I guess it creates that kinds of image because her dress is kinda going up with some wind.

  3. Pingback: Recommended Jpop♀ Reading: May 5, 2014 | Idolminded

  4. ok this was seriously funny, haven’t laugh like this in a while 99 and 115 crack me up xD

  5. Even after figuring out what’s actually going on with their feet, 115 still makes more sense.

    • 10 years later and I still get a kick out of this thread. It’s this and that translated Kamozaland thread which, sadly, isn’t around anymore.

      Thanks, Henkka, for still keeping this site up even after all these years. It truly brings back so many good memories of H!P.

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