1: 名無し募集中。。。 2018/03/31(土) 00:53:19.02 0.net
さいたま150cc(たーちゃん。) @Risakolovelove
2018/3/30 6:38
“The singer aiko apparently came this close to joining Taiyou to Ciscomoon. (Source: aiko herself, telling the story just now on Matsutoya Yumi’s All-Night Nippon.) Furthermore, she said that Tsunku♂ has actually given her advice on her own compositions, too.”
7: 名無し募集中。。。 2018/03/31(土) 00:58:16.89 0.net
Oh damn! Tsunku-san was determined to have aiko in Taiyou to Ciscomoon after hearing her indies songs! (laughs)
98: 名無し募集中。。。 2018/03/31(土) 02:06:39.29 0.net
Okay, I’m pretty sure this is something even the most hardcore aiko fans out there didn’t know.
99: 名無し募集中。。。 2018/03/31(土) 02:07:20.35 0.net
I’m an aiko wota to the point that I’ve listened to pretty much every episode of her All-Night show and this is certainly the first time that I’m hearing about this.
9: 名無し募集中。。。 2018/03/31(土) 00:59:46.17 0.net
Tsunku♂ loves yasu and aiko.