1: 2018/01/08(月) 19:35:09.92 0.net
All-Night Nippon 2018/1/4 late-night broadcast (featuring Fukumura Mizuki, Nakanishi Kana, Kanazawa Tomoko, Hirose Ayaka, Ogata Risa, Ozeki Mai)
Fukumura: My first time meeting with a senior happened unexpectedly. I was part of a training group called the Hello! Pro Egg and it was my first time visiting this particular studio so I didn’t know my way around. I was wandering about in the building all by myself, and it was… which floor was it? I think I was headed for the basement floor, but I had no idea how to get there. Then, out of the blue, Kamei Eri-san tapped on my shoulder from behind and she was like “come on, it’s this way.” That was my first time meeting with an H!P member. (laughs) I was so nervous, but her kindness made me fall for her.
Kanazawa: That’d make anyone fall for her!
7: 名無し募集中。。。 2018/01/08(月) 19:46:21.79 0.net
As expected of Kame-chan.
6: 名無し募集中。。。 2018/01/08(月) 19:45:44.61 0.net
Host: Who is your no. 1 favorite Morning Musume member, past or present?
Fukumura: Kamei Eri-san. I love everything about her. She always looks to have so much fun when singing, and she’s able of becoming the protagonist she sings about in the lyrics. Also, her dancing is so dynamic and cool, and I love her voice. And then there’s her… carefree personality? I really do love her so much it hurts. (laughs) To me, Kamei Eri-san is the eternal idol.
Host: It sounds like Fuku-chan is in love!
Fukumura: (laughs)
5: 名無し募集中。。。 2018/01/08(月) 19:45:02.56 0.net
It’s like the baby chick who assumes that the first bird she sees must be her mother.
11: 名無し募集中。。。 2018/01/08(月) 19:49:27.10 0.net
Precious☆ Fukumura Mizuki
https://ameblo.jp/morningmusume-9ki/entry-11433386496.htmlGood eveniiing!
Today is the 23rd. (^-^)/ It’s my lucky day. And why is it my lucky day…? Because today is the birthday of my beloved Kamei Eri-san!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~(*´∀`)ノ
We had a cheki and handshake event in Aichi today and so lots of people were asking me “do you know what day it is today?” Well, I DO!!! ヘ(≧▽≦ヘ)♪
People sometimes ask me when it was that I first came to love Kamei-san. But the truth is that I don’t really know the answer to that question myself. I have all kinds of episodes in regards to her, but it just happened somewhere down the line… So it’s like, I didn’t come to love her — at some point, I simply found myself already loving her. Her singing, her dancing, her expressions! I admire everything about her!
This is a picture I treasure very much. From left to right: Mitsui-san, Michishige-san, Mizuki, Kamei-san! That’s Kamei-san!!! This picture is from when she came to see our musical, Stacies. I got to take a picture together with her. It made me so happy. (*/□\*)
12: 名無し募集中。。。 2018/01/08(月) 19:53:20.07 0.net
She never got to fulfill her dream of being active in Morning Musume at the same time as her… 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。
13: 名無し募集中。。。 2018/01/08(月) 20:00:16.48 0.net
It was for the best. Nothing good ever comes from a fan and their idol being in the same group.
17: 名無し募集中。。。 2018/01/08(月) 22:48:49.38 0.net
Such a kind Eririn.
1. ℃-uteな名無しさん 2018年01月10日 13:54 id:C0JcSMnJ0
They’re all such good girls. Kamei especially just comes across as such a good person all around.
3. ℃-uteな名無しさん 2018年01月11日 02:08 id:.OoGurY10
As expected of Kame-chan.
She had that completely unique atmosphere and kindness about her.
4. ℃-uteな名無しさん 2018年01月11日 03:05 id:uC1R5gHO0
That’s such a nice episode.
Eririn… I want to see you…
“Nothing good ever comes from a fan and their idol being in the same group.”
Not entirely true. Maachan was a huge fan of Reina and look how well that turned out. Reina actually came out of her shell thanks to Maa ^_^
Maachan wasn’t a MM fan prior to joining though, so she probably didn’t really know anything about the members. Guess she came to admire Reina during the time they were together in the group
That said – I have no idea what the person means by that comment. The interactions between kouhai and their favorite senpai are always amongst my favorites. And you can’t say these girls turned out bad or that their senpais were bothered:
Harunan and Ishida (Sayumi), Duu (Reina), Ogata and Nonaka (Riho), Haga (Duu), Yokoyan (Oda) and Chii loved Harunan before joining
Don’t know much about older gens, only heard that Gaki-san was a fan of Abe
Also Gaki and Eripon. At first Gaki seemed a bit overwhelmed by Eripon’s passionate declarations of love, but now the two hang out together so much. Eripon has even surpassed Aichan on Gaki’s blog.
Yeah, I think that commenter was saying in general that you can become disillusioned and disappointed when you meet your idol/hero & have to work with them, liking seeing an actor being rude backstage.
I think that’s true to a point, but I don’t necessarily think it applies to MM 100%. Like the Gaki example, she was a huge fan of MM so I’m sure in the end she was happy that Eripon took over her color as a huge fan too.
I guess my take is that the fan character doesn’t exist on their own, it’s always dependent on relating to the idol they’re a fan of. It usually isn’t until the idol graduates, that the fan idol can find their own unique image, stand out on their own.
On the other hand, Country Girls as the Momochi Idol School/Harem was the greatest, so that’s a strong counter-example.
5. It’s like the baby chick who assumes that the first bird she sees must be her mother.
2ch comments are often great. :)
Some of you may have seen it, but here is a short video of me explaining how I feel about Kamei Eri.