1: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/07/21(金) 22:13:24.37 0.net
【J=J Kumamoto】
When they were in Okinawa, Tomoko and Sayuki got drunk and went to the coin laundry, which is where Tomoko suddenly put Sayuki’s panties on her head.Miyazaki: “So she was that sort of a girl…?”
Uemura: “She probably had some sort of an awakening…”
Tomo: “No I didn’t!”20:59 – 2017年7月21日
Episode from when they were getting their diving licenses in Okinawa:Sayuki: “When me, Tomoko, and Kishimon went to Okinawa, me and Tomoko were drinking together. Then, when we went to the coin laundry, this person right here suddenly wore my panties on her head!”
Kanazawa: “But I’m still not that type of a girl!“20:44 – 2017年7月21日
4: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/07/21(金) 22:15:07.20 0.net
Was this before or after they were washed?
That is the question.
6: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/07/21(金) 22:16:34.87 0.net
I guess it can’t be helped.
I now have no choice but to wear Kanatomo’s panties on my head.
14: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/07/21(金) 22:40:25.27 0.net
Another topic of discussion that’s sure to get disapproving looks from Miyazaki…
20: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/07/21(金) 22:44:35.75 0.net
Had it been Uemuu’s panties, people would once again be rumoring about how Kanatomo might be a lesbian. But when it’s Sayuki’s panties? That’s just Kanatomo being in a festive mood.
21: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/07/21(金) 22:45:48.37 0.net
We’ve started getting more and more reports of the drinking escapades of the adult H!P members.
25: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/07/21(金) 22:49:03.55 0.net
She seems like a bad drunk — one who’d make lots of drunken phone calls.
33: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/07/21(金) 22:50:58.82 O.net
If she does a solo bus tour, I wonder if we’ll be able to see her getting even more drunk than Nacky on hers?
32: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/07/21(金) 22:50:54.90 0.net
On the opposite end, we have Karin-chan who said that even after she turns twenty she isn’t going to drink for as long as she is a singer. That’s someone you can trust.
68: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/07/21(金) 23:04:34.92 0.net
It was funny when Karin-chan was saying how singers shouldn’t drink and you could suddenly see Miyabi-chan becoming all flustered.
29: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/07/21(金) 22:50:22.69 0.net
This thread isn’t going to get popular because it isn’t about Tomoko’s panties.
103: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/07/21(金) 23:33:16.68 0.net
I wish this had been about Karin-chan’s panties instead…
31: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/07/21(金) 22:50:54.49 0.net
You guys are all weirdly cold towards Sayuki’s panties.
88: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/07/21(金) 23:19:59.95 O.net
Had this been about Sayashi wearing Fuku-chan’s panties on her head, it’d be just another heartwarming episode.
34: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/07/21(金) 22:51:10.64 0.net
I quite seriously wish I could have Tomoko’s panties.
57: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/07/21(金) 23:00:11.59 0.net
Yanagawa must feel bothered by them talking about this sort of stuff.
62: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/07/21(金) 23:00:53.81 0.net
Wearing Sayuki’s panties on your head is a rite of initiation for new members.
67: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/07/21(金) 23:04:14.27 0.net
So she has awaken, huh…
2. ℃-uteな名無しさん 2017年07月22日 00:23 id:mOP..gx10
Tomoko as of late has been sugoi yabai.
22. ℃-uteな名無しさん 2017年07月22日 18:08 id:m.Gv8KQo0
Sayuki and Tomoko’s relationship is so funny.
14. ℃-uteな名無しさん 2017年07月22日 07:53 id:y7LUG6Er0
The thing that most struck me about this was the realization that Takagi is now of the drinking age. I thought she was still a high schooler!
20. ℃-uteな名無しさん 2017年07月22日 11:40 id:23cPC03f0
This makes me want to drink with Tomoko.
21. ℃-uteな名無しさん 2017年07月22日 14:38 id:Ue6urPwx0
She’s starting to switch gears from a Tyrant to a middle-aged man. God, I love Kanatomo.
3. ℃-uteな名無しさん 2017年07月22日 00:24 id:iwpSz5XZ0
Alcohol and Kanatomo go hand-in-hand.
4. ℃-uteな名無しさん 2017年07月22日 00:29 id:2AjXQD070
Are they really okay with putting a girl like Yanamin in a group like this?
6. ℃-uteな名無しさん 2017年07月22日 01:25 id:PRSbZ4k60
There’s nothing good about alcohol-related stories when it’s an idol group in question. What exactly makes you glad about hearing episodes like this?
7. ℃-uteな名無しさん 2017年07月22日 01:48 id:36x3exf.0
There’s no problem about them drinking if they’re adults. It’s not like the office is trying to market them as some super pure group or anything. I’d understand complaining about it if they were drinking so much it was affecting the condition of their throats in a negative way.
9. ℃-uteな名無しさん 2017年07月22日 05:12 id:MX1OXi.q0
You’re the weird one for feeling disgusted over a couple of adults having some drinks.
19. ℃-uteな名無しさん 2017年07月22日 11:23 id:D6RAkXzp0
Why are you guys making it out to sound like she was in some drunken frenzy or something? They’re talking about it in public — it’s obvious Kanatomo just did it as a drunken joke.
10. ℃-uteな名無しさん 2017年07月22日 06:36 id:gw4BHbvy0
Yeah, I wouldn’t like it if this caused Kanatomo’s voice to change. However, idols have been talking about drinking since like the 80’s.
11. ℃-uteな名無しさん 2017年07月22日 06:48 id:IbwAGrVP0
It’s not the alcohol that’s the problem — it’s the things they do under the influence of it. What exactly is normal about wearing someone’s panties on your head?
12. ℃-uteな名無しさん 2017年07月22日 07:02 id:B.kubyp40
Who doesn’t wear a pair of panties on their head every now and then?
27. ℃-uteな名無しさん 2017年07月23日 08:31 id:6pRtlxpx0
It’s yet another peaceful day here in Japan.
Source: http://c-ute.doorblog.jp/archives/50438387.html
I want to be an drunk idol wrangler
Damn, now I want to go drink a beer with these two when they come to Dortmund.
The yuri vibes in this group lately…
I was hoping for a picture though lol
Maybe I’ll photoshop one (or hope someone else does cuz I’m lazy)
So if you just hang out in the right coin laundry, you get to see Sayuki’s panties?
I think I need to raid my piggy bank for some coins.
>7.: “There’s no problem about them drinking if they’re adults. >It’s not like the office is trying to market them as some super pure group or anything.<"
…Um, this guy's kidding, right?
Well they had them act in a drama where the conclusion was “In 2030: Remember that time when people flipped out if an idol had a girlfriend? Those were silly times”
I meant boyfriend
Oh, but if pictures of any of them with a guy leaked right now…
Also, management is letting Miyamoto Karin try to be a “poisoned tongue” character (not unlike Michishige Sayumi) on MC’s.
Wait so.. it’s alright for the girls to drink because “they’re adults”, but not to have relationships? Of course, I agree about the drinking – i just feel this should apply to everything (to an extent), not just pick and choose. If the fans are fine with them acting like the adults they are, it should be fine for them to date once they’re over 18-20. I mean – even Johnny’s do it and they’re fine.
Japan is a culture of peer pressure. Suppose you had a generational group that had 12 year old members alongside of 23 year old members. It’s not a big deal if the 23 year old members drink because the 12 year old members are forbidden by law to drink alcohol. But, 12 year old kids can and do date. If a 23 year old member is secretly dating then she has no moral authority to peer pressure the 12 year old to not date.
Talent agencies specializing in idol singers are built on the illusion that the girls are pure and virginal and acceptable as girl friends for all of Japan. If a 12 year old member got knocked up on H!P’s watch then H!P would probably go out of business. Management is dead serious about it. They go to elaborate lengths to make it hard for the girls to meet boys and they depend on older members to live and enforce the culture.
Women love it when they see a dude with another girl. It means that he’s desirable enough for another girl to like him so he must be great.
Men don’t like seeing a girl with another man. It just means she’s a roastie.