1: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/19(火) 17:30:49.61 0.net
It’s now been over a month since I started studying abroad! I still can’t speak English at all. (^^) I try to strike up conversations at restaurants or when I’m buying ice cream or stuff, but I’ve gotten into the bad habit of getting through those conversations by just smiling a lot. (laughs)
Still, I’m so glad I decided to come study abroad. (^^) I’ve made friends with lots of people I would’ve otherwise never met in Japan, and I have the support of so many people here! So that’s why I’ll definitely become able to speak English!!! To start off, I have to start by cutting back on using gestures so much. (laughs)
I have school tomorrow so I’m going to go sleep now!
Good night 🌝❤️
4: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/19(火) 17:32:53.84 0.net
Well duh.