19 comments on “The hidden gems of Hello! Project music

  1. I’m biased against ballads so I shall ignore the question >_>

    In 2011 I tried to post my top 140 H!P songs (because I couldn’t stop at 100), I made it from 140 to 70 and stopped/forgot to finish. I don’t think I have the top 70 stored anywhere because I’ve switched computers in between and didn’t keep “irrelevant files” :( Anyway, there are SO MANY GOOD SONGS starting from the very birth of Hello! Project…


  2. I don’t think it’d be easy for me to classify ‘hidden’, but I’ll suggest an album song from about a decade back as close enough: Aozora ga Itsumademo Tsuduku You na Mirai de Are! from Rainbow 7. I somehow always seem to be surprised by it whenever shuffling my songs brings it up.


  3. Threads like these are the best. It reminds me of how much of H!P I still haven’t discovered. Personally, I really like WHY from Momusu’s third album, which definitely classifies as hidden since it’s never been performed. I like how there’s something both soothing and ominous about that song. I’m sure that without the vocal gimick it wouldn’t be half as good. I also really like the vocal break in that song were the instrumental goes fucking insane. Feels like a crazy emotional breakdown.
    As for Itoshiki Tomo e, I’m not gonna pretend I’m somehow particularly unbiased but I freaking love that song. The vocals are really awesome. I always liked how the chorus is one half completely in chorus and one half completely solo, especially the last chorus with Goto sounds great. At the same time though, I can see how someone might think it’s boring since it’s a pretty simple song.


  4. ^ I agree with you! I feel like I know a lot, but that could be only 25% of it, haha.

    The first song that pops into my mind is ‘Aki Urara’. The first line up I got to love and the harmonies are just great!


  5. I agree with 96 “Survivor”.
    For me. It would be C-ute’s “Kirai de kirai de kirai.


  6. 17sai yo Sayonara (ARRIVEDERCI) and Samidare Koi Uta from 2nd W
    Dakishimete… Namida, Chikyu to Tsuki to Kare to Watashi, Kiss Shiyou and Osaki ni Sunzurei from 1st GOODSAL
    Melon Kinenbi’s a-sides Kawaii Kare and Namida no Taiyo

    (I’d say the whole 1st GOODSAL is hidden gem tho)


  7. Tatoeba is one of my favourite older MM songs! I’m also glad to see Popcorn Love get so much love. With H!P’s long history and so many groups and releases, it’s so easy for good songs to become lost and never be performed. :/

    A more recent MM b-side I’m hooked on is Watashi no Dekkai Hana.
    My Love and Lady Panther are my favourite Buono! b-sides.
    Sankaku Kankei and Suki ni Naccha Ikenai Hito from the H.P. All Stars single are so so so good.
    Also, anyone who hasn’t listened to the H!P Kenshuusei album should give it a try.


  8. the true hidden gem is… watashi no nan ni mo wakacchanai! think about it for a second… it’s so well hidden that it doesn’t even exist on CD! but I love this song so much…-_-

    but I have to agree with popcorn love… great song ^^


  9. I totally forgot “jinja fighta” from konni asami.
    From the video clip you can tell she had the hots for a coworker, i rember pucs of them dating. Was sweet


  10. Heike Michiyo’s Daikirai. Was an A-side, but probably hardly anyone now even remembers who she was.

    Also Berryz’ Otoko no Ko.


  11. Many of my favorites made it into the original thread. Here are a few more:

    Melon Kinenbi’s Renai Restaurant
    Mano Erina’s Gomen, Hanashitakatta Dake and Tasogare Kousaten
    T&C Bomber’s Mata Yachatta ~At Shibuya All Day~ and Go Go Tokyo
    Morning Musume’s Mushoku Toumei na Mama de and Ii Koto Aru Kinen no Shunkan
    Berryz Koubou’s Sakura->Nyuugakushiki


  12. Kekkyoku Bye Bye Bye by Heike Michiyo is the one that comes to mind. Also, not true if it is a complete ‘gem’ but Dance and Chance ends up stuck in my head rather often


  13. Good list…A lot of history in this thread

    A bit more recent and may not be really a hidden gem but does Kobushi Factory “Survivor” count… It isnt really a single or a coupling song and was only initially available to the people who went to the Weekend Survival Musical or Morning Musume Gradation Tour 2015.. That song is pretty badass and one of the better songs to come out of HP last year yet it is almost never performed or mentioned


  14. I love Berryz’s Kono Yubi Tomare. Don’t know if it’s hidden, but it didn’t get performed a lot…


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