1: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/06/18(水) 15:55:20.99 0.net
Yamada Takayuki @yamadatakayuki_
2014/6/18 3:50 PMI’ve lived my life working towards saving up five hundred million yen because I was thinking that should be enough to convince them to let me join S/mileage. But lately I’m realizing they probably wouldn’t let me join the group even if I did somehow manage to save up all that money. So instead I’ll be aiming towards not five but six hundred million as I keep doing my best. Guess I have to say goodbye to quite a lot of commodities.
225: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/06/18(水) 16:56:03.22 0.net
I laughed at how many retweets that got. (Note: As of time of writing, ~3400 RT’s, ~4100 favs)