1: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/05/12(月) 00:12:59.34 0
Ayacho alone is using the sharp symbol to make hashtags. (laughs)
S/mileage @smileage_715 · 2 hours ago
Fufuu! Fufufufufufuuui!
Wada Ayaka. ♯smileage pic.twitter.com/3KMbBVJfutS/mileage @smileage_715 · 3 hours ago
The Sendai performance is over! Right now Nakanishi Kana-chan is running around with our manager’s backpack! Wada Ayaka. ♯smileage pic.twitter.com/jFoBPjwiYU
16: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/05/12(月) 00:17:13.07 0
That’s my Ayacho. This is why she’s my oshi.