0: RocketNews24 2017/04/05(水)
We’re reporting to you today on Tsunku♂ who has currently become a hot topic on the internet. According to an eyewitness report, he helped an injured boy who had become lost. What’s more is, once the boy’s parents had been found, Tsunku♂ simply took his leave without a word.
According to Twitter user @bada_0422, the events took place at Ueno Zoo. Let’s have a look at how they described what happened:
Today at Ueno Zoo, there was this boy who’d become lost who hurt himself by falling over in front of one of the shops. There was a cut on his mouth. The person who helped him was none other than Tsunku♂, who happened to be standing just in front of him. Even though he can’t speak properly (sorry for the impolite wording), he did his best to look for the boy’s parents and to comfort him.
I’m sorry it took me a while to run over to help — at first, I thought they were maybe in the middle of filming. But afterwards, thanks to the help of the staff there, they soon found the boy’s parents. I wanted to convey what had happened to the parents, but they were in a hurry to get their son treated for his injury so I didn’t have the time to tell them. I hope that this tweet will somehow reach the parents.
And to Tsunku♂, who left right away, I wanted to say that they found the boy’s parents in no time. I was so moved by Tsunku♂’s kindness.
In short: Tsunku♂ helped a lost, injured boy, and then made his leave without a word. If this touching story is true, it’s fair to say that it’s an episode for which he should be praised.
It’s only natural to help someone who is in need of help when you see them. But if push came to shove, how many of us would, in fact, be able to carry out doing that said natural thing? Tsunku♂ actually doing the right thing and then simply leaving without a word… This man is simply the best.
4: 名無し募集中。。。 2017/04/05(水) 11:26:09.83 0.net
As expected of our Terada.
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