7 comments on “Hello! Project COMPLETE ALBUM BOOK Interviews: Tanaka Nao

  1. Tanaka Nao is awesome! He’s one of those arrangers that I have to respect for the fact that the songs he worked on are always so crazy-sounding, even if I don’t always like the songs. That being said I do like most of the songs he’s worked on, Moonlight night being one of my favourite MM songs.
    Only three more arranger interviews; we’re reaching the end of these translations. Looking forward to the Konishi Takao and the WATA-BOO interviews!

  2. Learn something new everyday.. This is the guy that helped create some of my favorite songs in H!P History… I love Crazy about You and Shabadabadoo but 321 breakin out is probably my favorite B side ever… but know that i listen to all these songs mentioned, i can get the feeling that it had the same arranger, they all sound similar in a good way

  3. With these translations I feel like I’m discovering a whole new side of Hello!Project. Thanks Henkka! :)

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