1: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/08(金) 14:14:43.36 0.net
Niigaki Risa has no comment regarding Becky’s adultery scandal
http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20160108-00000516-sanspo-entOn the topic of difficult past experiences, she mentioned her time in Momusu. “It was really tough, but I think it’s because of that time that I’m able to stand on all sorts of stages today, even alone by myself. So I’m thankful for having gone through those experiences,” she said, smiling.
When asked if she had a comment regarding 27-year-old talent, Becky, who is going through a difficult time herself with her recent adultery uproar, she replied “no,” looking perplexed.
2: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/08(金) 14:17:02.60 0.net
3: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/08(金) 14:17:18.75 0.net
Gaki-san… (laughs)
4: em1-115-198-152.pool.e-mobile.ne.jp 2016/01/08(金) 14:17:42.54 0.net
Well, obviously — the two don’t even know each other!
7: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/08(金) 14:17:56.45 0.net
Why would they ask her of all people?
5: 超ニート 2016/01/08(金) 14:17:52.39 0.net
Does she have any connection to Becky whatsoever?
11: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/08(金) 14:20:09.49 0.net
Why’d they ask her?
16: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/08(金) 14:21:38.27 0.net
“Hell if I know.”
18: em1-115-198-89.pool.e-mobile.ne.jp 2016/01/08(金) 14:22:18.93 0.net
I bet they’ve been asking pretty much every celebrity the same question these past two days, just to be sure. But why specifically write that she has nothing to say about the subject?
26: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/08(金) 14:32:55.91 0.net
I guess this question is the latest fad in the mass media, huh.
40: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/08(金) 14:43:27.53 0.net
Gaki-san’s amazing, being able to make the news even with something like this.
19: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/01/08(金) 14:22:49.98 0.net
I’d get it if they’d ask this question of Yaguchi, but why the hell Gaki-san? (laughs)
5. カラフル名無しさん 2016年01月08日 22:25 ID:3nihI6Tm0
( ・e・)< Yagucchaaaaan!
Source: http://colorhello.blog.jp/archives/1049434201.html
between the image of gakisan looking perplexed and number 16 I laughed pretty hard
I think gaki is an akward person when it comes to sekusu.
Old fashioned and prudish. In a shrumish kinda way.
But when she gets started its easier. Still she ll never be yagushi grade sekusu fiend.
I remember that hamachanga video with yamada. Quote “i like shower heads with pressure”
I need to learn more about becki.
Lol, someone said Yaguchi
i can totally see her giving a big reactive NO???!!!!
with a wtf expression
Gaki is so talkative by nature. Must be a first for her to answer a simple「ないです」.