1: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/01/25(木) 21:15:35.23 0
First and foremost: the pictures!
2: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/01/25(木) 21:16:28.60 0
I’ve never bought anything so there are no regrets.
5: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/01/25(木) 21:17:38.30 0
15: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/01/25(木) 21:23:10.46 0
Half-ass sized posters.
57: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/01/25(木) 21:54:18.92 O
A shitty box of figures that you can’t even tell who’s who.
14: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/01/25(木) 21:22:54.80 0
Minimoni toaster.
20: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/01/25(木) 21:24:51.44 0
500 yen water.
25: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/01/25(木) 21:26:03.36 0
That Ribbon no Kishi pamphlet was awful.
34: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/01/25(木) 21:37:46.31 0
I have around 4300 Berryz pictures, and even then I’m missing a bunch that you could only buy at certain venues.
47: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/01/25(木) 21:46:51.30 0
I didn’t end up buying them, but Valentine’s Day chocolates. I just started feeling so sad about having to buy my own Valentine’s Day chocolates… it felt like I was being humiliated.
49: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/01/25(木) 21:48:25.05 0
I didn’t buy them, but the disaster prevention goods were taking it too far.
52: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/01/25(木) 21:49:54.33 0
The only really usable goods they’re selling are pretty much the mousepads, right?
63: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/01/25(木) 21:59:39.09 0
For some reason you always end up buying the fans at the venue, but they’re just so bulky and useless.
67: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/01/25(木) 22:02:23.66 0
The Minimoni Nonotan doll I bought on Yahoo! Auctions.
92: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/01/25(木) 22:37:01.11 0
Why do I regret buying multiple copies of the same item this much?
94: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/01/25(木) 22:38:08.38 0
Yeah. Multiple CD’s and stuff make me so sad afterwards…
H!P goods you just couldn’t help buying
2: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/04/04(水) 12:56:51.61 0
Abe’s photobook was so erotic, I just couldn’t help getting it.
4: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/04/04(水) 12:58:01.76 0
Gomaki water. I don’t think this is even drinkable anymore.
39: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/04/04(水) 13:13:31.40 0
The water might seem like a useless purchase at first, but then again you can have all sorts of wild fantasies about it so it’s worth it.
46: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/04/04(水) 13:15:58.66 0
A mini T-shirt. I seriously have no use for this. I think I’m pretty much insane for ever buying it.
50: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/04/04(水) 13:19:42.62 0
Tsugunaga Momoko Rubik’s Cube. I turned it two or three times before it broke.
51: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/04/04(水) 13:19:46.44 O
The T-shirt from Koharu’s handshake event.
54: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/04/04(水) 13:20:21.51 0
The one some wota had made themselves? (laughs)
70: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/04/04(水) 13:31:20.42 0
73: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/04/04(水) 13:34:23.73 0
I’ve no idea what that is.
74: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/04/04(水) 13:35:06.77 0
A Nacchi-designed mini-kite.
78: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/04/04(水) 13:36:26.64 0
I see.
…But why were they selling kites?
76: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/04/04(水) 13:36:01.03 0
This is why I was always telling you guys to stick to buying pictures, but you just don’t listen…
89: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/04/04(水) 13:53:49.98 0
I just bought the chopsticks as a joke, but they’re actually pretty usable.
96: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/04/04(水) 13:58:09.39 0
I still use my Edokko Chuushingura teacup.
143: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/04/04(水) 15:22:37.06 0
For me, it’s the onaholes. I just can’t help collecting them.
145: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/04/04(水) 15:29:56.94 O
I have a Gomattou onahole. Unofficial, obviously.
152: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/04/04(水) 15:47:21.80 0
There was one called “Fujimoto Mikippy’s Whole Body Erogenous Zone“, too.
224: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/04/04(水) 17:06:10.65 0
Goto Maki paper figure.
226: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/04/04(水) 17:07:24.74 0
I’ve seen one of those paper figures for Matsuura Aya, too. Yeah, those are useless.
228: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/04/04(水) 17:09:18.53 0
I remember people wondering if you could see their panties from below. (laughs)
276: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/04/04(水) 17:41:27.81 O
Ecomoni lunch box. It was a limited edition so I was lining up for it all night, but it turned out to be a lunch box just like any other.
304: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/04/04(水) 17:59:53.93 0
Space Venus. I bought a PS2 just to play this.
355: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/04/04(水) 19:07:46.91 O
Konkon’s birthday T-shirt and graduation memorial T-shirt. I still have them laying around unopened somewhere.
192: 名無し募集中。。。 2007/04/04(水) 16:27:28.71 0
Is there no Shinto shrine out there that would take all our useless H!P goods and burn them?
Have you guys ever bought H!P stuff in bulk?
1: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/04/05(水) 17:08:08.37 O
My top 3:
Iroppoi Jirettai x 100
Special Generation x 50
Jiriri Kiteru x 30 (with plans to buy more)
12: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/04/05(水) 17:10:54.62 0
17: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/04/05(水) 17:12:58.50 0
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
20: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/04/05(水) 17:14:52.24 0
I’d get it if if they came with a raffle ticket or something, but if not, why would you buy loads of the same photobook or CD?
24: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/04/05(水) 17:16:50.76 0
I bought lots W’s “Ai no Imi wo Oshiete!” That was the first and last time for me. It was 10 copies.
29: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/04/05(水) 17:18:12.09 0
851: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/04/04(火) 21:23:56.41 0
For the sake of Ai-chan’s success…
42: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/04/05(水) 17:23:10.13 O
What are these? Receipts? Tickets?
44: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/04/05(水) 17:23:53.03 0
Tickets, no?
47: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/04/05(水) 17:25:03.89 0
Is there any point to buying tickets to the same concert in bulk?
33: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/04/05(水) 17:19:43.64 0
Just where the hell does someone get this kind of money?!? (laughs)
32: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/04/05(水) 17:18:52.97 0
This is pretty much bordering on the level of psychosis at this point.
80: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/04/05(水) 17:43:55.65 0
The old men at UFA are crying tears of joy.
56: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/04/05(水) 17:28:25.53 0
69: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/04/05(水) 17:35:24.01 0
70: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/04/05(水) 17:37:18.12 0
There’s been a mountain of unopened Kaori photobooks for over a year at my local bookstore for 500 yen. (つд`)
74: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/04/05(水) 17:39:50.02 O
When you buy a photobook, 10% of the royalties go to the member. The performers don’t get very much at all out of CD sales. That’s why I bought 20 Reina photobooks but never bother with CD’s. I just concentrate wholly on photobooks and other goods.
75: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/04/05(水) 17:42:09.26 0
I don’t think the members have such royalty deals…
78: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/04/05(水) 17:43:17.30 0
You don’t get anything in return for your bulk buying so it makes no sense to me. What are you going to do when it’s revealed your oshi has a boyfriend or something?
88: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/04/05(水) 17:46:12.33 0
Buying photobooks you must get a real sense of supporting your favorite member because that way you don’t have to spend a dime on any other member.
UFA is completely and utterly broke
1: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/02/22(水) 01:42:54.33 0
2: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/02/22(水) 01:43:30.33 0
That wall’s messed up.
11: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/02/22(水) 01:44:42.10 0
This is too much… (laughs)
17: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/02/22(水) 01:45:51.16 0
Putting out products like these that were shot with such a background speaks volumes about how seriously they’re taking this.
22: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/02/22(水) 01:46:29.82 0
Well, they’re the sort of company that will even sell official photos that are out of focus.
24: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/02/22(水) 01:46:39.25 0
14: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/02/22(水) 01:45:30.54 0
Every now and then they’ll put out pics like these that just scream half-assedness.
I sent an expensive gift to
my oshi and it got returned
1: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/09/13(水) 19:34:38.66 0
“Dear _____,
Thank you for your support of Hello! Project.
We would like to thank you for the letter and present we previously received from you. (Member’s name) wishes to express their deepest gratitude for your kind thought, however, unfortunately we must return the present due to its high value.
We hope for your continued support of Hello! Project.
Hello! Project Staff
3: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/09/13(水) 19:35:30.74 0
5: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/09/13(水) 19:35:37.55 0
What’d you send her?
20: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/09/13(水) 19:38:37.06 0
I’m sure they get so much stuff like that, they just have one draft they send to everyone. I mean, there are guys who even send them laptop computers and stuff.
23: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/09/13(水) 19:38:50.11 0
If expensive items are not allowed, would they accept it if I sent one of the members an eraser then?
32: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/09/13(水) 19:39:37.74 0
They’d think it was something suspicious.
1: 名無し募集中。。。 2008/06/24(火) 15:40:33.37 0
73: かめもえ ◆I6oKAMEMOE 2008/06/23(月) 23:29:47.61 0
( ´∀`)
( ・∀・)↓
(´・ω・`)(Note: The letter indicates the present was meant for Kamei Eri.)
74: 名無し募集中。。。 2008/06/23(月) 23:33:05.72 O
29: 名無し募集中。。。 2008/06/24(火) 16:06:12.23 O
That’s worth around $1300, right?
30: 名無し募集中。。。 2008/06/24(火) 16:07:34.90 0
That’s definitely a lie about the member themselves ever receiving these gifts before they are returned. Fan letters and presents definitely get checked and most of them probably never even make it to their destination. Well, it’s only obvious considering how much trauma they’d cause the members if someone didn’t check them.
38: 名無し募集中。。。 2008/06/24(火) 16:11:56.86 0
There was that incident of someone sending a package addressed to Adachi Yumi which exploded and took some fingers off a staff member.
2: 名無し募集中。。。 2008/06/24(火) 15:44:11.87 0
So stuff really does get returned, huh. I’ve heard $100 items are pretty much the limit. Is this about right?
128: 名無し募集中。。。 2008/06/24(火) 16:28:57.26 O
I’ve sent Ayaya $700-800 bags on two occasions before and they didn’t get returned. Well, I’m pretty sure that was because they were these order-made leather bags so there was no way to check how much they were worth.
127: 名無し募集中。。。 2006/09/13(水) 19:48:24.30 0
Someone send Fujimoto an F cup bra.
Henkka: There was this one time years ago when I blew probably a good $150 on secondhand H!P posters from eBay. I felt like I wanted to kill myself before I’d even finished bidding on them all.
The really sad part is, I never even did anything with them. Didn’t put them up on my wall or anything. They’re still there, literally at the bottom of a box somewhere. So that’s my confession. What’s yours?
Sources: http://blog.livedoor.jp/morningcoffee_blog/archives/51144509.html, http://blog.livedoor.jp/morningcoffee_blog/archives/51220578.html, http://blog.livedoor.jp/morningcoffee_blog/archives/50722577.html, http://blog.livedoor.jp/morningcoffee_blog/archives/50617503.html, http://blog.livedoor.jp/morningcoffee_blog/archives/50991082.html, http://www.machineworks.co.uk/whg/2008/06/post_5493.html
When Berryz came to the US for the second time, Japanese wota brought all their items before I even got to the front of the line.The line didn’t move an inch and everything was gone besides the most recent CD. It cost like 40 dollars and I brought it anyway just because I didn’t want to be defeated by the long line. In the end, I didn’t have enough money to buy lunch.
Stop being poor.
How about you stop being an asshole.
Well, isn’t that just what a poor person would say.
If you say what your saying in these comments to someones face, i’m pretty sure you wouldn’t be saying the same thing twice.
how’s your exploding iphones working out for you?? do you stil have fingers left?
Kind of same happened to me in France. I bought only two of the handshake event CDs, the poster and the shirt but because my budget was literally 100 euros for the whole trip I ended up eating only once a day for 3 days.
It’s not even an official item, but one of the first physical H!P-related items I got was a Minimoni doujinshi manga from eBay called Gundam Songs 2.
At least you didn’t buy a Shining Musume Doujinshi.
Kowaru Kurumi was the best.
Sequels, we need sequels.
The Valentines gift packages are so pitiful and just cheap cash grabs. I watched a video of a fan opening one and it just felt so cheap to me, like 60% of it was packaging. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZX9KyOznI7g (he’s so excited over a brown mug lol)
I mostly focus on buying CDs, DVDs, and photobooks. I only have a handful of concert goods, mostly visual books and pinups. I think my worst buys are when I get more than one of the same CD, like Toki-Sora I bought 3 versions, mostly because I’m a sucker for differing DVD content and pretty jacket photos.
> Tsugunaga Momoko Rubik’s Cube.
I want one!
> I turned it two or three times before it broke.
> Well, I’m pretty sure that was because they were these order-made leather bags so there was no way to check how much they were worth.
So made to order is the way to go, huh? That’s good to know.
Unofficially, I’ve bought a few pictures off of eBay and a copy of C-ute’s Tokkaiko Junjou ’cause it was super cheap.
The only things I’ve bought officially are singles. I was kind of disappointed when I found out CDJapan wasn’t able to contribute to Oricon the entire time. I’ve only bought like 5 CDs through the span of 2011~2014 so it’s not like I went all out, but I know there were people who probably regret bulk buying from CDJapan.
I don’t regret buying MM’s 55th single though. It came with a poster and a nice pic of Sayu. Maybe I’ll buy TIKI BUN if it has good bonuses again.
I’ve got thousands of photos and all they do is sit in binders, collecting dust. I have 6 tapestries, but I actually hang those up. I have all kinds of random goods that just sit in boxes doing nothing.
The small items, I tend to use. Keychains, notepads, coin purse, etc.
Not trying to rag on you in particular, but the mass collecting of photos is hard for me to wrap my mind around. PRO: Small, thin, doesn’t take space. CON: It’s like being sold a photobook but having to pay higher fees for individual pages.
…says the guy who bid on his first H!P photo on eBay earlier today.
Ya, I might give up on some of the photo collecting and just collect 2L photos. Less of them, although at a higher price. Right now, I only collect Reina (no LovendeR photos) and Masaki photos.
Buying them just as they come out is the best way to go, especially the whole group set ones. With the group set ones, you can sell all the girls off, minus the one member you want to keep. This can end up in your favor depending on what price you set it at. This would end up with you essentially getting the photo you want without paying anything. Maybe even making a profit.
I remember watching one L photo sell for around $30, as some people ended up getting in a bidding war over it.
I bought a Tanaka Reina signed baseball on eBay. It’s a licensed H!P thing and all, but I’m still not sure if it’s real or just a very well done forgery.
I also bought all the Kaito Reinya goods I could get my hands on, I still talk to the plush doll, so at least I have somebody(?) to reflect my madness on.
I guess they really do have check the gifts really well. You never know if there’s going to be GPS unit hidden in it.
This is why we can’t
havegive nice things.I bought Rock Erotic and Motto Zutto single sets… even though I paid full price for the set, I still ended up listening to the music and watching the making of on Youtube.
Biggest waste of money.
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Mini-Moni toaster, even more than the useless stuff that’s just so random. LOL
I have been lucky since I stick to CD’s. The only one I remotely regret buying was Morning Musume’s 11th CD since I thought it wasn’t as good as the previous ones.
I do have an irrational fear though. I fear that if I get a huge HD monitor and start buying Blu-ray disks of concerts then I will notice that many of the girls have zits and have by fandom ruined.
Two things.
First, if a couple of zits or whatever is enough to throw you off, I don’t really know what to say.
Second, bluray ain’t all that. It’s way better than DVD, but it’s still a far shot from perfect. Here’s three random shots directly taken from bluray: 1, 2, 3
If you look at them from further away and in motion, you’ll see even less details than when staring at still frames from close up on a PC. In short: You’ll be fine.
Darn I was going to buy an expensive Gucci purse for Eri.
Havent really bought anything but I kind of want that toaster and those chopsticks lol
And that dude that bought like 30 concert tickets is my hero, how much money did he spend lol… Was is so he could dance his ass off with nobody to get in his way cause im pretty sure he bought a whole venue section lol
I’ll bet at that concert they were thinking, “If this concert was sold out, why the hell is it so empty in here?”.
I was actually going to buy the Space Venus game (it’s still $10) but then I realized it was barely a game and didn’t lol, so nothing to regret there.
I’ve never regretted any H!P purchase I’ve made, nor have I bought more than 5 of any item. However, the oddest H!P items I’ve collected are probably the Berryz Kobo flip-flops, or the Berryz Kobo jigsaw puzzle, or the Berryz Kobo car window decal.
When it comes to collecting H!P goods, I am a sucker for t-shirts, towels, photobooks, posters (especially autographed posters), concert Blu-Rays… and, of course, CD’s.
But, why would anyone regret the odd items, like, the toaster or lunch box? Those are so cool!
Agreed. A toaster like that is certainly kind of neat.
Back in 1999 I bought 1.5 million copies of Love Machine. No regrets.
I only bought a few CD singles, a few photos and a couple of the birthday shirt sets. I lucked out getting the shirts when I did last year, considering how dull this year’s shirts are …
Off-topic, does anyone knows what this post is all about? Henkka, could you give a brief summary?
Title: “Yukanya doesn’t seem smart, but she’s smart about science!”
It’s about this Pocket Morning Juice=Juice Weekly Q&A.
Buying photobooks in bulk and never opening them. XD
Also, once spent a good 15,000 yen on photos, shirts and books from the official shop when I went there a long time ago. That’s on top of the 12,000-yen secondhand ticket I bought for a concert and the 5,000 yen I spent on concert goods that same day.
I kind of regret buying all those photos and photobooks because they’re all over the ‘net anyway, and you don’t have to look hard to get them.
got almost 1000$ worth of H!P stuffs (pbs, albums, dvds) i didn’t buy. got them as gifts from wota friends. so it was all good, i sometimes browse through and listen
In real life i am a blacksmith so i got some old gold i had and melted it all to form a crown. It wasn’t big it was 5 1/4. It was a crown i made for sayu and it had 3 three pink gems. One in the middle and two below it. I engraved “Sayumi Mishishige queen of Momusu”, then a week and a half later it was returend saying it was to high valued and that they thanked me for supporting momusu. I was kinda sad because i put three weeks of had effort making sure it would be perfect for her. Maybe if i give to her personaly she’ll take? What do you guys think?
bought nothing because:
– my room is small
– can pay only with cash on delivery
– high prices with shipping costs, customs duties and value added tax
– package can be lost / stolen
considered iTunes, but Apple is getting 30% and I don’t buy products from companies like Apple.
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THE MINI MONI TOASTER!! I’m so jealous. I’ve been looking for that everywhere. Yeah, the rubik’s cubes are awful. I have the Mini Moni one and it’s definitely not in good shape.
They could sell a lot of these to oversea’s fans and make a killing.