1: 名無し募集中。。。 2019/11/03(日) 17:54:13.81 0
ちーのぽんず @chisaki_country
16:59 – 2019年11月3日
Sagami-Ono noon performance just ended.
Homa-chan was asking for life advice during the MC.
Okamura: Me and three of my good friends at school would always spend time by the four of us. But recently, they’ve started doing so just by the three of them… (Homa-chan starts crying)
Ishida: To be honest, in this line of work, we all have to make sacrifices. Homa-chan, I’m glad you chose the life of a Morning Musume.
Venue: 😭
2: 名無し募集中。。。 2019/11/03(日) 17:54:59.99 0
I cried.
19: 名無し募集中。。。 2019/11/03(日) 17:59:15.94 0
That’s just how it goes.
When you’re living in two different worlds your friends will change, too.
28: 名無し募集中。。。 2019/11/03(日) 18:00:47.61 0
I want to protect her smile.
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