(TL note: in case you don’t know the word, fujoshi is basically a girl who’s really into yaoi (boys love) manga.)
1:名無し募集中。。。:2013/02/18(月) 21:54:29.31 ID:0

Being a fujoshi is no good! (´・Д・)」 ☆Kudo Haruka☆
Konbanharuka ♪( ´▽`)
Having fallen fast asleep inside a train, I’m Kudo Haruka.
That gave me a good scare. (;°皿°) (sweatdrop)
I almost missed my stop.
Also, lately I’m wearing caps all the time.
They’re just so easy!
Even if my hair’s all messy, I can just wear a hat and it won’t matter.
“Be a proper girl, would you!”
It’s what you’re thinking, right?
Nooooo! (;´Д`)ノ
You’re forgetting that I’m a guy. (laughs)
Do we have an agreement? (laughs)
Whatever then. (laughs)
6:名無し募集中。。。:2013/02/18(月) 21:57:20.87 ID:0
She’s misunderstanding fujoshi to be a girl who wears boyish clothes.
10:名無し募集中。。。:2013/02/18(月) 21:58:31.26 ID:0
She’s thinking a no good girl = fujoshi.
15:名無し募集中。。。:2013/02/18(月) 21:59:19.14 ID:0
Even if she is misunderstanding it, don’t you go explaining it to her now! Don’t you dare!
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