1: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/07/29(火) 13:06:15.49 0.net
There were so many people in the train today when I got in that there wasn’t even room to sit down. And so before I’d noticed it… this older man next to me had started groping me. It pissed me off so much, I just roundhouse kicked him right then and there, and the man flew away by the sheer force of my kick.
… That’s the dream I had yesterday. (・o・) I was unbelievably strong in the dream! I only wish I could become as strong in real life. My roundhouse kick was so smooth, I can still remember the sensation of it. (laughs)
6: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/07/29(火) 13:10:40.04 0.net
The “older man” is obviously a metaphor for “wota.”