Morning Musume rapidly gaining female fans;
popular columnist Inuyama Kamiko explains their appeal
Inuyama Kamiko, pictured with her dog Croquette
Morning Musume’s “counterattack” continues. After becoming a social phenomenon during their “Golden Era” around the year 2000, they had a period of less media appearances but they nevertheless kept going, focusing on live performances and continuously improving their vocal and dance abilities. Now their hard work is starting to pay off thanks to their high-quality performances combining the EDM genre and formation dancing. In 2013, they had three consecutive singles take the no. 1 spot on Oricon. Simultaneously their fanbase has been growing larger while celebrities and artists of other genres have publicly announced being a fan of the group. We asked popular columnist and author of “Make Bijo“, Inuyama Kamiko, to tell us about the appeal of Morning Musume from a woman’s viewpoint, and about the mindset of a female fan of idols.
―― Can you tell us how you first got interested in Morning Musume?
Inuyama: Back when I got my big break in my late teens, I was just casually singing their songs in karaoke and I was never really that aware of what they were doing. Then at some point I happened to come across “One・Two・Three” on YouTube and I was surprised by how cool and high level their dancing was. The singing was good, too, as was the song. I got hooked on it and I must’ve listened to it over 50 times, and then I went out and bought the CD. I couldn’t help but share it with everyone on Twitter, who in turn also shared it with others. It feels like the group is being reassessed by a lot of people.
―― What’s the most appealing thing about Morning Musume for you?
Inuyama: For girls to like other girls, rather than just cuteness they have to have something cool about them as well. With Morning Musume, their dances are really cool. The formation dance in “Help me!!” was awesome. Also, the electro sound they have now is not only cool, but also very Tsunku♂-like. They’re all good songs.
Also, I’m drawn to their long history. I also like manga and I have an otaku personality, so finding out about both the highs and the lows in their history is fun, and learning about how hard all of the girls until now have worked is part of what makes them interesting as well.
―― Whereas enjoying AKB48 is about “cheering on girls who are in development“, for H!P it’s more like you’re cheering on “professional idols“, right?
Inuyama: I can’t speak for any other idols groups, but the idols in H!P are worked hard from the moment they start. They’re brought up as professionals. The footage from their dance lessons seems relentless and the senpai are always watching over their kouhai. Of course I suspect the members have fights about things, but to me it feels like the atmosphere among the members is carefree and not strained at all. If you ask me, I think that might be because Tsunku♂ is producing them not as “products” but as “people“, and he sincerely wishes for them all to become happy.
Inuyama: As for AKB48, there was that news some time ago about how Sashihara said something along the lines of “our audience is older men — our singing and dancing doesn’t need to be that good.” I think what she’s saying is correct but on the other hand, I think H!P’s opposite approach is correct, too. Idol groups having completely different ways of doing things is what makes it really interesting.
―― Past members included, do you have a member you especially like?
Inuyama: At first it was Ichii Sayaka. After that, in order… Goto Maki, Yoshizawa Hitomi, and right now it’s Kudo Haruka. I like the girls who appear boyish but are actually also really beautiful. They’re like the protagonists in shoujo manga… they’re usually acting all tomboy-ish, but every now and then they’ll show a really womanly, sweet side. I admire them. Also, I really like Michishige Sayumi and I always liked the recent graduate Tanaka Reina. For me, the two top of Tanaka and Michishige was incredible. Tanaka served as their center for the longest time… she is really eye-catching. I constantly found myself just focusing on watching her. It makes me go “ah, so this is the power of a center girl.“
―― Are there any common traits among women who like idols?
Inuyama: The fact that I can now say “I like H!P” is because of my new way of looking at them, or rather because I’m not trying to compete with them anymore. Back when Momusu was first popular I was the same age as them, so it was difficult for me to cheer them on. I knew they were cute and everything but because we had our ages in common, it somehow made me not want to recognize that. But now at this age the only thing I have in common with them is my gender. Now when I see a cute girl like that, I can genuinely say “aww, she’s so cute!” So age could be one of those common factors. Also, I think women who like idols also have an affinity for sub-cultures. I mentioned how I enjoy learning out about their 10+ year story — it could be that many women who like idols also like books and manga.
―― The cuteness aspect — is it the same kind of feeling as if you were looking at your own younger sisters?
Inuyama: When I’m watching them I think to myself “I would’ve wanted to be that cute when I was in my teens” and when I see them carrying out my “dream life“, it allows me to let go of my past self. So rather than my younger sisters, it’s more of an admiration for them. When I watch them, it’s no longer my 31-year-old self; it feels like I’m back to being the same age as them. For people who in their student days got the appeal of idols but didn’t want to admit it to themselves, people with regrets like “I would’ve wanted a life of sparkles and glitter like that“, people who despised cool or sexy girls, thinking of themselves as somehow inferior — for people like that who have grown up and who can now finally freely admit that they like idols, it might be something that allows them to feel like they’re reliving their youth.
―― Do you think some women might be against their boyfriends being idol fans?
Inuyama: It depends on the person of course, but I think boys who are idol fans will also be supportive of their partner’s work. As a matter of fact, up until my mid-twenties my boyfriend was an idol fan and it made me jealous. But as you get older, it actually becomes quite comforting. I mean, the act of cheering on people is a really positive thing. It’s not something everyone is capable of doing.
―― Right now the group is in their EDM phase. Do you have any hopes as to what kind of style they should try next?
Inuyama: I want Tsunku♂ to decide what is best for the group musically… but something I would like to see is a graceful, adult-like song. Right now the girls are full of this young and fresh energy, but in the past Morning Musume have had these grown-up songs about women who have been cheated on and so on. I’d like to see the current members trying out that kind of style, too.
―― While their media exposure has grown, I think the general public doesn’t know all the members’ individual personalities yet. Could you talk about the members and their points of interest one by one?
Inuyama: Sure, but it’s just going to be my personal opinion…
This has been introduced on TV quite thoroughly already, but there’s the ad-lib dancing of Ishida Ayumi and Sayashi Riho. Their appeal is in how they demonstrate just how good idols can really be at dancing. Looks-wise — and this is something that holds true for girls like Sayashi and the members of Juice=Juice — I appreciate how they make you feel like the “huge eyes boom” has ended. For the past ten years or so it’s been popular to go and get your eyes done to make them look bigger, but I think the fact that H!P is now drawing attention to the cuteness of girls with single eyelids or partial double eyelids is really giving a lot of courage to many girls. I had a complex about my partial double eyelids as well, but after seeing those girls, it allowed me to start using just a little bit less eye makeup myself.
And the thing I want all the first-timers to see is the beauty of Kudo Haruka. She has a husky voice and she’s very boyish, but her face is that of a first-class beauty. When I first saw “Renai Hunter”, I got so excited as I was going “what’s with the cuteness of this girl?!“
And speaking of beautiful girls, the gap between Ikuta Erina’s gentle beauty and her strange character is great!
―― You mentioned that you also like Michishige.
Inuyama: Her tenure in the group has been a very moving one for me. When Momusu was falling into obscurity, she alone was appearing on all those TV shows as this “poison-tongued narcissist.” Her being able to do was the result of her working hard on her talking skills. But that kind of character gets you lots and lots of fierce bashing. I don’t think it’s something you would be able to withstand just for a simple wish of wanting to be famous. I now get to appear on TV a little bit myself, but if I say even the slightest thing that someone finds a bit unpleasant, there will be a succession of “die you ugly bitch” messages. (laughs) I think the fact that she was able stand that kind of thing was because she was doing it for her love of the group. “Even if they make me into a bad guy, I’ll do my best for the group.” She was like the heel in pro wrestling. When I think about her great efforts for the sake of the group, I can’t help but cry. And then when Morning Musume was finally starting to gain popularity again as they were appearing on “Shabekuri 007” this summer, it looked like a little bit of that huge burden she had been carrying had finally been lifted off her shoulders. She looked almost like the Virgin Mary. I just wept in front of the TV.
Her looks are perfect, too. She looks like a doll even without makeup, and her body is just erotic! She’s someone many girls strive to be, and her inner strength is something that gives me energy. The person who first made me think “I can get this happy just because of an idol!?” was Michishige.
―― How about Zukki (Suzuki Kanon)?
Inuyama: Zukki is great! There’s all these news about her being chubby, but she’s incredibly charming and she has the smile of an angel. It’s like she purifies my soul. I’m sure she must know about the kinds of things that are being said about her, but even then she keeps on smiling and that’s something I don’t think not everyone can do. That’s something that makes people who see her become fans of hers. Gaining and losing weight during puberty is not something that’s exclusive only to her, so I do feel angry about her being made fun of for it so much… but at the same time I feel that she’s also loved on the internet and that she’s definitely spreading the name of Morning Musume. When you consider her ability of even converting her antis into fans, Zukki might just be the member with the most potential in the group.
―― What do you think about the newest addition to the group, Oda Sakura?
Inuyama: I still keep being moved by her skill as a singer. She only debuted with “Help Me!!” but she’s already getting many solo parts and passages where she sings at the top of her voice. It feels good to listen to. I think it’s obvious she was a choice Tsunku♂ made to perfect the group even futher. The singing has changed noticeably for the better since she joined the group.
―― And how about the member who is getting noticed for her unusual personality, Sato Masaki?
Inuyama: She… really is a weird one to say the least. (laughs) I think H!P is quite strict when it comes to the hierarchy of members, but she just completely ignores it, even playing around with Tanaka Reina like she was her younger sister. It’s exciting because you never know what kind of trouble she might cause next. She’s like a puppy. She has the cuteness of how, even if she does something mischievous, you’ll just think “oh, the puppy’s feeling playful again” and you’ll want to pet her.
―― And the two subleaders?
Inuyama: Iikubo likes manga and especially “Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken“, so I feel an affinity with her. Even as someone who knows it’ll never actually happen, I’ve found myself thinking “…me and her might actually make pretty good friends.” This is something that’s really appealing about her.
Fukumura is someone with a long history in H!P and her presence in the ever-changing lineup of Musume is reassuring. Her face is so soothing, too, and if I was a man, she’s the member I’d want to be my girlfriend the most. I want her to beat me at Taiko no Tatsujin.
―― Among the graduated members there are some who have caused scandals, and there have in the past been members who have even quit the group due to a scandal. As a female fan, how do you feel about those things?
Inuyama: These things become scandals because the girls are idols, but I think if you have a group of girls in their teens and twenties, it’s pretty much impossible to entirely prevent scandals. Even if the person herself decides “I won’t cause a scandal!“, falling in love is not something you can control yourself… I actually think any member who doesn’t cause a scandal is someone who must have the willpower of a superwoman! Conversely, I don’t want people to think badly of someone just because they’ve fallen in love. Maybe it’s because I’m a woman myself that I can understand not only the feeling of someone thinking “she’s betrayed her fans“, but also “you can’t fight your own feelings“… At the end of the day, I just want them to be happy.
―― Is there anything you wish the current Morning Musume would do?
Inuyama: I just want for them to be in an environment where they don’t get hurt and where they can carefreely continue to enjoy singing and dancing. If I can enjoy seeing their smiles in their PV’s and music program appearances, that’s enough for me. I will in turn support them by actually going out and buying their CD’s. I’m still a new fan, but being an adult fan of theirs I think that’s the least I can do.
―― Lastly, is there a member who you think might turn into a “Make Bijo” (“loser beauty“, title of Inuyama’s book) when they’re older?
Inuyama: As I really hope that none of them ever will… I’m going to say “no there isn’t!” They’ll all lead happy lives! Well, that’s not to say that “loser beauties” themselves can’t become happy though…
Note: As you read onwards, you will run into the words “akekasu” and “mookasu.” “Akekasu” refers to AKB and/or its fans, whereas “mookasu” is in reference to Morning Musume and/or their fans. “Kasu” translates to “shit” or “scum.“
4:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 16:13:20.61 ID:0
There were pics of Michishige wota wearing pink T-shirts taken from behind and everyone was saying the event was full of girl wota, but this is 90% old guys.
245:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 21:26:05.59 ID:0
That picture is from a 60,000 yen bus tour. The more expensive it is, the less girls there are.
12:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 16:19:19.89 ID:0
There aren’t many girl wota hardcore enough to attend fanclub bus tours.
15:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 16:24:48.42 ID:0
I’d want to go but that just looks scary.
5:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 16:15:07.87 ID:0
I’m telling you: all idol groups are gaining female fans lately.
20:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 16:30:00.65 ID:0
You can’t claim that the number of female fans is increasing if you don’t have any data to back it up. Who the hell would believe something like this?
25:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 16:49:35.79 ID:0
Lately when threads like these pop up, it’s almost funny how desperate the antis who always pop up in these threads are. They’re so desperate I could laugh… but also so gross.
33:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 17:41:20.46 ID:0
Who the hell is Inuyama Kamiko? (laughs)
35:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 17:43:57.89 ID:0
Calm down, akekasu.
36:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 17:43:59.44 ID:0
It’s up on Yahoo now, too.
45:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 17:51:10.30 ID:O
I follow Inuyama Kamiko on Twitter. She regularly tweets about Musume.
50:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 18:02:09.69 ID:0
It kind of gets complicated when even the members of AK-shit themselves are H!P wota. (laughs)
67:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 18:17:10.32 ID:0
I guess there are some akekasu wota who are annoyed by how AKB’s business model is criticized whereas the way Momusu uses doping to boost sales is just let slide. But before you start blaming the media about it, first ask yourself this. Are you not acknowledging only the stories of this board that you want to acknowledge? Is Momusu truly worse than AKB in terms of doping? Do you really think so? Because if you do, it might be a good time to take a break from 2ch for a while.
101:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 18:36:55.02 ID:0
Well, it’s true that as far as doping goes, they don’t hold a candle against AKB. (laughs)
95:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 18:34:14.60 ID:0
God this mookasu media brainwashing is annoying.
112:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 18:40:05.26 ID:0
I think that might be because Tsunku♂ is producing them not as “products” but as “people“, and he sincerely wishes for them all to become happy.
This. This is the reason we’re all fans of H!P. And while we’re at it, I might add that over on the other side, even the wota cheer on their idols while preparing to throw them away when their deadline comes up, right?
132:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 18:45:29.04 ID:0
It seems like it’s mostly Help Me!! that gets all the praise, right?
135:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 18:46:29.93 ID:0
She’s been tweeting about Morning Musume for over a year now.
143:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 18:52:06.17 ID:0
One・Two・Three is kinda like LOVE Machine in the way it changed the energy in the group in one swoop.
145:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 18:52:47.97 ID:0
Rather than articles like these, I wish they’d concentrate on getting them an appearance on FNS.
146:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 18:52:55.33 ID:0
The antis are worrying about H!P’s future more than the fans are.
147:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 18:53:22.76 ID:0
The push Momusu is getting in the media lately is pretty amazing. What are they going to do if the consecutive number ones don’t end here?!
169:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 19:05:23.00 ID:0
Whenever news like this pop up, the akekasu seem to fly into a rage. Let’s calm down a little, yeah?
170:無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 19:05:32.00 ID:0
The jealousy of the antis is pretty incredible. The whole thread is just immediately swarming with them.
189:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 19:14:29.51 ID:0
It feels too fake with all these celebrities lately talking about Musume and no other H!P groups. Aside from Yuusuke apparently liking J=J, I’ve never heard anyone talking about any others groups.
194:無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 19:17:03.56 ID:0
Well obviously. They just support them by searching for “Morning Musume” on YouTube. Of course they wouldn’t know about other H!P members.
209:無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 19:22:30.81 ID:0
May J was saying on J-MELO how Morning Musume is easily the most popular group as far as requests as well as dancing and singing covers submitted from overseas fans are concerned. Just another way of seeing how deep their popularity runs.
219:無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 19:26:22.50 ID:0
This is the truth, and yet there are still these idiots yapping on about something or the other to the contrary.
242:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 21:14:35.44 ID:0
Lately there are more girls appearing even at fanclub events.
247:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 21:29:13.14 ID:0
Since when is a wota saying they like the group they’re a fan of considered stealth marketing? The funny thing about it is that the guys saying that are actually themselves people who have been deceived into becoming wota by some major large-scale stealth marketing.
260:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 22:58:13.70 ID:0
Wait, she’s part of the family who runs Iris Ohyama? (laughs) Being so rich and beautiful, what’s she doing being a Momusu wota? (laughs) Well, I’m thankful though.
261:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 22:59:27.32 ID:0
She’s not a Momusu wota. She gets money for writing this stuff.
262:名無し募集中。。。:2013/11/04(月) 23:07:32.04 ID:0
It’s been established that she’s been a wota since quite some time ago.
18: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/05(火) 08:56:39.91 0
The fact that she doesn’t fully grasp Odasaku’s personality gives away the fact that she’s a newbie fan.
39: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/05(火) 09:14:52.17 0
It looks like Michishige, Kudo and Ikuta are considered cute by pretty much everyone.
27: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/05(火) 09:06:42.59 0
She shows a profound understanding of Michishige’s love for Musume.
29: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/05(火) 09:10:42.55 0
Even now thinking about Michishige’s perseverance makes me cry.
83: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/05(火) 09:40:09.91 0
It’s simply amazing that she still looks the way she does in her twenties. The past members all looked their best in their teens.
204: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/05(火) 10:18:51.62 0
She writes some pretty good things. I do think this person really is a wota.
284: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/05(火) 10:42:56.94 0
She claims that seeing the MV of 123 was her introduction to the group but then she contradicts herself so much.
293: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/05(火) 10:45:11.88 0
She’s not contradicting herself. You constantly hear about people who lost interest during the Platinum Era and got back into them with 123.
335: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/05(火) 10:55:35.69 0
One・Two・Three must’ve been really good for people like that. For me, I’d already been following them since before but for someone who had dropped out of the fandom, it must’ve been quite astonishing.
310: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/05(火) 10:48:19.69 0
People like that shouldn’t talk as if they know Musume’s history. She didn’t see the time between Recession Era and Platinum Era.
321: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/05(火) 10:51:37.22 0
Saying that one can’t talk about it if they don’t know the Recession Era doesn’t make any sense. What, are we supposed to ignore the opinions of everyone who only knows the Sayu-led lineup?
305: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/05(火) 10:47:13.98 0
I don’t mind at all about the newer wota not knowing about ancient history like that. It’s only natural for people like that to increase as their popularity rises.
479: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/05(火) 11:51:14.82 0
Looks like Tsunku read it, too:
Tsunku♂ @tsunkuboy
2013年11月5日 11:12 AM
Oh, I see! … “Morning Musume rapidly gaining female fans; popular columnist Inuyama Kamiko explains their appeal” (Real Sound) – Y! News
Henkka: My fingers hurt.
Sources (jp):,,,
seeing your end note – thank you so much for translating, as always!
Seems like you really worked hard, thank you!
Otsukare Henkka !
Your hard work is very appreciated.
Thank you sooo much, henkka
when she said “virgin mary”, i thought of chayu half-naked in bed with that guy in that tv show…
That scene made me and my sister fight.
I just threw her phone
and I have no Idea why she got angry
Which scene? Have I missed something? Chayu half naked? in bed? with a guy? I don’t believe it.
It was at a movie the title is “kare wa, imouto no koibito”
Don’t worry I saw Chayuu wearing a white cloth thingy behind the bed sheets XD
(I saw it ‘cuz I paused it ‘cuz I know Tsunku-san won’t allow. and the kiss scene there is fake too)
27 and 29
I know. It’s this and other examples of determination and endurance that made her my all-time favorite idol. I wish the media would start calling her “The Greatest Idol.” You know, like they call Matsuda Seiko “The Eternal Idol.”
thank henkka~!
Thank you for another great translation. I truly hope traffic on this site would generate enough income for your efforts.
Also thanks for including a pic of Iruyama Kamiko, she’s gougeous and she has excellent taste in idols.
Thank you and everyone else for your kind words.
As far as income from this site goes, it’s more than I could’ve dared to wish for. That is to say, it’s just enough to pay for its hosting and domain name, plus every now and then a bottle of cheap vodka. What more could one ask for?
woooooot Henkka! Many thanks as always!
Truth be told, I used to be a hardcore, H!P-exclusive wota for many years. Thankfully, two years ago I finally overcame the bigotry and can fully enjoy and support all idol groups, AKB included. Looking back on all that irrational hatred, and seeing it live on in so many wota on 2ch and elsewhere, fills me with disgust.
It’s easy to hate something when you’re utterly ignorant about it, which is likely the case with many of these haters…I know that was certainly the case with me. Maybe one day they’ll open their eyes and ears, and realize what they’ve been missing as idol wota.
After the translation of the article was over, I was shocked to see all the thread comments too!! This was really interesting; much appreciation for the hard work.
What’s with all these people saying “those who don’t know about ____ aren’t true fans”? Even IF someone was getting paid to say all this, why do they care? It’s good publicity for the group no matter what.
I can agree with the sentiments of this article in general being a female fan–not just the written portion, but also some of the comments by the 2ch users. In particular, 293 and 335 really hit home for me because that’s how it was in my situation. I had been following Morning Musume for a couple years already, but I gradually lost interest in the music and my favorite members having graduated.
I hadn’t heard anything of/or by Morning Musume for the longest time until recently when I randomly was looking at an Attack on Titan video in where “One・Two・Three” was actually used as the background song. I found myself feeling quite energized by it that I kept replaying the video just to hear the it, not even bothering to watch it. After a couple of listens, I felt compelled enough to internally inquire who actually sung this and wow! I was so shocked to realize it was my beloved Morning Musume behind the catchy tune.
And because of that song, I started looking up who was still in the lineup and bit by bit, getting familiar with each of the new faces and learning about their personalities through some of the YouTube videos and translations of articles (such as this wonderful site!) in my free time. Listening and watching the MVs on their official YT channel–it was if my interest in Momusu was just a fresh as it was back when I first started liking them.
I’ll admit that I was extremely saddened that Michishige was the only recognizable member left and never was a favorite to begin with… But in my short time of refamiliarizing myself with the group and reading about Michishige’s endurance and love for Morning Musume, she quickly shot up to being my number one idol, especially after reading that translation of the Top Yell interview between her and Nakazawa-san. Everything that was said by her there, even though it could be just the interpretation of the translator, really showed a different side that I had never seen past that poison-tongue character of hers in variety shows. It was really moving, to say the least.
“our audience is older men — our singing and dancing doesn’t need to be that good.” = AKB48 money whoring overrated ****. Stop hogging the media.
while the money whore comment is unnecessary – sasshi’s comments have been making me dislike more and more, especially since i’m a fan, a girl, and ‘we don’t have to be good’ is a disappointing mindset.
I really like this woman.
And how about the member who is getting noticed for her unusual personality, Sato Masaki?
I just read this, really good article i specially like what she said about Sayu and Zukki and reading some Sayu love in the 2chan comments and here as well made me more happy i really want this to get to Sayu so she can see that we all love her and appreciate her efforts for the group =)
(laughs) Yes, if there is something I’d say to Michishige it would be to please continue working hard to guide everyone in how to deal with the stress and pressure of being an idol. The girls need someone with her tenure to be able to show them how to handle situations when they arise because of her years in the group. I feel it is not enough to be someone on the outside giving advice, but for her to be alongside the newer members, to be experiencing the same hardships and feelings as they are happening, makes her presence so much more important.
Michishige is only a couple years younger than me, but her confidence is something to admire.
I shed happy tears. That’s all I can say atm.
Agree with all Sayu part, that girl has guts, and manlier than most of the men, in the form of beauty btw.
And this girl must be real wota
Standing ovation to Henkka!!! Best post of the year
As a fan who’s been around since the Platinum era days is must say that this lady truly understands wut Sayu went through in those dark periods of Momusu, when the group was looking real bleak, she willfully played the poison tongue character just to keep the group relevant even though she became hated by other females for the character she was playing…We know how much of an angel Sayu is and she normally goes out of her way to keep people around her happy, so I love when other fans share my views on how hard Shige-sama worked and why she deserves all the success she has ever gotten or ever will get
My reaction to the people talking about things she didn’t know. As a relatively new fan myself, I find it a lot easier to research and find out about the history of the groups and girls themselves than it is to try to keep up with all the wota-created in-jokes and terminology like Recession Era.
I just wanted add a note about “Recession Era.” I don’t know if there is a translation that’s generally used for “低迷期”. I’m not sure it’s even widely used on 2ch. Certainly I’ve never seen the term used in relation to Momusu on any English-speaking site.
Thank you Henkka! This is the best post ever!
Being a Sayu fan during her variety days was an absolute horror. You could count on seeing comments made about her being a bitch, or wanting her to stop being in morning musume because she was useless and creating a bad name for musume. Now I wonder if those people feel dumb knowing just how hard she worked in the past in order to put morning musume on tv. I think one thing we can learn from this is that every girl will have their time to shine despite the hatred/harsh criticisms being spouted about certain girls.
thank you so much for translating this one, loved it!