1:名無し募集中。。。:2013/02/21(木) 17:19:50.31 ID:0
(TL note: the subtitles say that he’s a medical student from Austria and that he loves Japan and Japanese music. He then specifically says he loves idols and Morning Musume and starts singing Maji desu ka Ska. Someone on 2ch provided a download of this short clip, enjoy it while it lasts (just click the button).)
4:名無し募集中。。。:2013/02/21(木) 17:20:59.86 ID:0
What show is this?
7:俯瞰の鬼 ◆0d6BWgzbeA :2013/02/21(木) 17:21:57.88 ID:0
I would’ve wanted them to just focus on this guy.
8:名無し募集中。。。:2013/02/21(木) 17:22:18.73 ID:0
He looks cool even though he’s a wota.
9:名無し募集中。。。:2013/02/21(木) 17:22:44.73 ID:0