1: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 20:31:03.58 0.net
Kobushi Nagoya evening performance. Hama-chan was tearing up at the end.
“How long can one be an idol? I mean, there’s the age problem… (laughs) I love idols and I want to be an idol forever. 5 years, 10 years… 14 years from now. I’ll be 30. Will you still support me when I’m 30 years old?”
4: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 20:32:05.63 0.net
Don’t worry! I’ll support you forever, Hama-chan!
10: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 20:33:04.93 0.net
Why was she crying?
14: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 20:33:51.28 0.net
Because Momochi is the person she most admires.
6: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 20:32:44.67 0.net
Suffering from Momochi Shock, huh…
11: 名なし募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 20:33:18.78 0.net
Momochi’s impending graduation must’ve brought something inside her to the surface.
18: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 20:34:01.00 0.net
Don’t cry, Hama-chan!
20: iceココア(゚o゚;) ◆mCMoP9HcfrCt 2016/11/05(土) 20:34:05.46 0.net
I feel like I’m about to cry myself.
H!P is so beautiful.
42: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 20:36:23.24 0.net
27: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 20:34:56.01 0.net
By then I’ll already have retired myself. I’ll be preoccupied with just trying to stay alive each day.
28: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 20:35:11.30 0.net
I’ll still support you — assuming I’m still alive.
45: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 20:36:54.50 0.net
She must’ve been in shock hearing about Momoko’s graduation in the dressing room.
56: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 20:38:02.67 0.net
Sure, when she asks you now, you’re all going to say you’ll support her. But by the time she’s over 20 or something, you’re all going to go for those younger girls instead. No one can win against young girls.
63: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 20:38:52.61 0.net
During her time in the Kenshuusei, Hama-chan said she’d never marry.
67: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 20:39:32.34 0.net
Girls will say this kind of stuff only until their teens or so.
150: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 20:49:48.17 0.net
Hey, even OG Ishikawa-san still feels like an idol on the inside at 30 years old.
143: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 20:48:39.42 O.net
I’m going to trust her.
208: iceココア(゚o゚;) ◆mCMoP9HcfrCt 2016/11/05(土) 20:59:07.97 0.net
She’s won over the hearts of H!P wota.
214: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 20:59:50.01 0.net
She must look up to Melon Kinenbi.
209: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 20:59:11.03 0.net
When did it become a thing for idols to aim for going on for as long as possible instead of actually becoming popular?
3. カラフル名無しさん 2016年11月06日 16:24 ID:SWa9pE7e0
No one who wants to become popular applies to join H!P. (laughs) Becoming popular is a thing of the previous generation. By now, if they actually do become popular in the process of pursuing their dreams, it’s more of just a bonus.
244: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 21:06:28.24 0.net
I’m going to stick by you forever, Colonel. (^o^ゞ
259: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 21:10:07.85 0.net
Aren’t you glad you got to debut while Momochi was still a member, Hama-chan?
13: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 20:33:35.23 0.net
Momochi herself used to say she’d be an idol forever. (laughs)
274: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 21:15:59.26 0.net
You need to have a life plan like Momochi.
289: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 21:22:28.40 0.net
Singing and dancing is so much fun!!!
Just singing and dancing freely… To me, that really feels like true happiness. ☺️ During today’s MC, I talked about how I will be 30 in 14 more years. You were all saying you would still be supporting me even then. It made me feel that I really want to keep being an idol for as long as I can.
A senior I very much adore, Tsugunaga Momoko-san, is graduating on June 30th. I will always look up to her. I was surprised by her sudden announcement… But until June 30th, I’m going to keep watching Tsugunaga-san and learn from her everything I possibly can!!!
290: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 21:22:35.81 0.net
Hama-chan is so earnest — she always tries so hard, she isn’t even very funny during their live MC’s. (laughs) But that’s something I love about her.
298: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 21:26:56.54 0.net
Hama-chan is extremely serious at times like that. They once did this Japanese riddle during an event. “What’s a type of merchant who doesn’t sell (= 売らない uranai) anything at all?” (Correct answer: a fortune-teller (= 占い uranai).
Hama-chan’s answer was simply: “a really stingy merchant.”
301: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 21:27:21.65 0.net
Hama-chan has what it takes to become an eternal idol.
She’s just that cute.
330: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 22:02:02.63 0.net
…And yet, she’ll probably just start up her own ramen shop when she’s 20.
292: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 21:24:33.64 0.net
Come on, Momochi. At least take Hama-chan out for dinner or something.
300: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 21:27:18.29 0.net
Tsuzukeru omae meccha strong!
337: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 22:08:52.99 0.net
I can’t wait to see a 30-year-old Hama-chan.
1. カラフル名無しさん 2016年11月06日 12:47 ID:BWjibQvD0
She must really be enjoying her life right now.
Everyone always starts to see things differently when they turn 20 or so.
285: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 21:20:46.33 0.net
While it’s true that one day she might realize that she suddenly sees reality in a different way, that doesn’t mean there’s even a hint of dishonesty in what she’s saying today.
320: 名無し募集中。。。 2016/11/05(土) 21:42:40.22 0.net
Although she might one day choose a different kind of happiness… for now, I just want to keep enjoying this dream together with Hama-chan.
Source: http://colorhello.blog.jp/archives/1062244267.html
Happy New Year Henkka 8)
I have to agree with #285. For now, I’m glad Hama-chan is enjoying being an idol :3
I’ll support her until she’s 30 or I’m dead. Whichever.
It seem like a lot of Hama-chan fans expect to die of old age before she turns 30.
To all those fans, I say Happy New Year. We are one year closer to the year Hama-chan will be 30 – and to our deaths.
#300 though, LMAO
Yup, this is probably fueled by momochi’s graduation annoucement.. Momo used to say she was going to be an idol forever and mabye Hama-chan wants to pick up that title since Momo is the person she likes the most
The world needs more Hama-chan.
I agree with the last two, even if she may change her mind in the near future, right now Hama-chan really feels that way!!! I’m glad she is enjoying this, hope she really gets to do wht she loves for a long time!!
She is one of the young HP with the “it” factor. She can count on my support.
What a great thread to start off the year. I think Hama-chan is really cool to say something like this. As a Japanese woman planning to put work over family in the future even at the age of 16 is amazing. Though lots of new gen H!P members seem to have a different and stronger outlook on their career. I’m really looking forward to what H!P will look like 14 years from now!
Happy New Year Henkka!
I wasn’t so convinced before based on personality in PVs but after seeing this and a lot other things… Hamachan may well be Momoko’s sort of successor…
I will support you Hama-chan always no matter your age…
I always will support you