1: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/02/11 13:26:13

I, Ogawa Makoto, changed my personal smartphone to my long-desired iPhone 5S!
Oh, if only you’d know how long I’ve waited for this day… Ever since switching, I can’t help but play around with it all the time. (laughs)
Although I’d been a longtime Android user up until now, I was easily able to switch to the “iPhone frame of mind“! How should I put it… rather than treating it like a cellphone, I have fun with the iPhone more as if it was of a portable game system. As expected of Apple!
More than anything, I can’t help but be excited by the number of available apps!! True, in pure numbers Android might have just as many of them, but with the App Store being so easy to search and easy to read, it really simplifies my approach to them. It might be because of that that I can’t help but go “Waah! So many apps!“
Because the Android has so many different carriers and models, there have been several times when I’ve gotten errors or “unsupported” messages, and sometimes even after downloading I wouldn’t be able to use the app.
But starting now I can say goodbye to those kinds of annoyances. (*^。^*) I’m glad I kept waiting and believing that docomo would one day carry the iPhone as well! (laughs)
6: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/02/11 13:27:47
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