10 comments on “Tsunku♂ Love Theory: “The Thick-Armed Woman”

  1. Tsunku is the absolute best, unproblematic, and pure man out there. COME BACK DAD


  2. I lost weight, was then normal, but got called fat and since then I really hate myself and wished I was skinny. The thing is, I have Hashimoto and it’s unlikely to happen soon. There was a time when I stopped eating for weeks and got down to 48 kg, I just wished I was born underweight… it’s the only thing that triggers me.


  3. I feel myself reshaping my ideals in a future husband every time I read through a Tsunku essay.


    • Wait, in which sense? “I want my future husband to think about things like Tsunku does”, or “I need to try and not be fooled into marrying someone like Tsunku”?


      • The first option. I think Tsunku has a lot of good qualities as a person, and I feel like it would be stimulating having a conversation with him – especially if our opinions differed on any given topic (which they sometimes do in these essays, to varying degrees).


        • Well said. I don’t always agree with him, but he’s just so honest about his feelings that even when I don’t agree with him, I can at least understand where he’s coming from and what makes him say the things he does. You can have meaningful conversations with people like that.


  4. I greatly admire and respect Tsunku, and agree with the majority of this article. The only problem I have is labeling women who are thin or not a little chubby as “skin and bones”.
    I think there are too many body types out there to make it so this way or that.

    There are outstanding ladies (people) of all shapes and sizes, no question about that. Unfortunately, most guys don’t have the luxury of choosing what features they are attracted to. And living here, I happen to know quite a few Japanese guys that prefer a more “thick” woman.

    I guess my point is, can we drop calling the thin ones skin and bones? It’s not accurate and more than a little derogatory. .
    And thank you Henkka for your great work!


    • I fully agree with you in that descriptions like “skin and bones” should be reserved for some pretty special circumstances.

      One thing, though, that makes this article a bit tricky is Tsunku’s usage of the word “chubby.” When you read through the post, it becomes obvious that by “chubby” he simply means “healthy.” Just look at the above pictures of the two women Tsunku gives as examples of people who, to him, represent “chubby.” I don’t think I’m being terribly rude when I say that, rather than the generally agreed definition of “chubby,” the images come pretty close to something what the dictionary definition of an average, healthy adult female might look like — they’re almost like a universally agreed example of the appearance of a regular woman in the present day.

      I think that’s exactly what Tsunku means when he says: “most men out there like chubby girls.” (Again, I think you can replace “chubby” with “healthy.”) That is: men, in principle, have been known to be drawn to women who look like regular women.

      At the risk of putting words in his mouth, I believe Tsunku may have been simply talking about curves. (“Men rate women as most attractive when they have a waist size that is 60 to 70 percent of their hip size. […] And in more than a hundred other studies, men all over the world—including isolated groups unexposed to modern media—prefer a similar shape.“)

      It’s hard to win with this one: discussion or comments on other people’s weight, perhaps especially when it comes to women, just isn’t a topic that’s going to win you a lot of brownie points these days.


      • Ya, when I hear skin and bones, I think…skin and bones. Where you can almost see every single bone in their body protruding up to the skin. I’m thinking like Kate Moss a long time ago, when you could see her whole rib cage poking out.

        Is the pictures suppose to be what Tsunku considers chubby? They definitely look pretty normal to me. Chubby, I’m thinking more like Ai Shinozaki or something.


  5. still, he married Kanako, who used to be a model, and not a chubby girl like he was saying


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