1: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/07/04(金) 23:23:39.84 0.net
Oh! Also, today as I was heading to work, this couple in their late twenties(?) (I’m very sorry if I’m mistaken!) approached me. And you won’t believe what they said to me! “You’re really cute!!” they said!!!!!
I was glad to be told that of course, but I don’t think they knew I’m a member of Morning Musume ’14! (:_;)
It was actually the boyfriend who called me cute and what’s more is, after he’d told me that, it looked as if him and his girlfriend started having a disagreement about it… (゚ーÅ) (strained laugh)
I didn’t know which way to feel about it… (laughs)
That’s all. (laughs)
4: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/07/04(金) 23:25:24.62 0.net
What is this, Duu? Boasting?
9: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/07/04(金) 23:26:47.52 0.net
Kudo sure does love herself. (laughs)
But that’s what makes her cute.
10: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/07/04(金) 23:26:54.28 0.net
How should us wota react to stuff like this…
12: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/07/04(金) 23:27:13.67 O.net
Well, it’s true that she’s cute so what can you do?
16: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/07/04(金) 23:27:37.94 0.net
You should’ve titled this thread “Kudo Haru causes couple to break up.“
20: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/07/04(金) 23:27:56.01 0.net
I wish I could’ve been born handsome enough to be able to approach random junior high school girls and tell them they’re cute without getting reported to the police.
48: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/07/04(金) 23:30:35.05 0.net
He obviously knew it was the Kudo and that’s why he approached her.
71: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/07/04(金) 23:32:20.71 0.net
Your boyfriend suddenly calling cute a junior high school girl he doesn’t even know would ruin any girlfriend’s mood. (laughs)
108: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/07/04(金) 23:35:49.27 0.net
This is too funny. She’s doing the boyish thing and yet she’s a total narcissist. She’s sure found herself a fun character to work with.
111: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/07/04(金) 23:36:12.37 0.net
The next time I spot Kudo on the street, I’m going to try calling her cute, too.
155: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/07/04(金) 23:40:29.83 0.net
“So this random guy just fell completely head over heels for the 14-year-old me and started fighting with his girlfriend because of it! (laughs) I’m really sorry, girlfriend. (laughs) I know I’m way too cute for my own good. (laughs)”
178: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/07/04(金) 23:42:17.07 0.net
Well, that’s a pretty accurate free translation. (laughs) She’s cute.
227: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/07/04(金) 23:46:06.60 0.net
She definitely secretly thinks she’s the cutest and most popular member of the group.
252: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/07/04(金) 23:48:07.22 0.net
So the next “look at me, I’m cute!” character of the group is Kudo, huh.
255: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/07/04(金) 23:48:20.65 0.net
Cuteness on the level where it’s acknowledged even by random passersby on the street.
261: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/07/04(金) 23:49:09.40 0.net
Courage on the level where you can call random junior high girls cute in front of your girlfriend.
320: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/07/04(金) 23:53:42.72 0.net
Kudo, please don’t steal the homewrecker character from Oda-chan.
468: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/07/05(土) 00:13:12.93 0.net
She wrote that blog entry while acting all smug about it, but I’m sure her face was bright red with embarrassment at the time it happened. (laughs)
Kudo gets excited about seeing a
scantily clad foreign woman on the street
1: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2014/07/04(金)23:43:02 ID:???
Anyway, since it’s now summer and all, you start seeing young ladies walking around wearing clothes that are increasingly more exposing, right?
So today, I saw this beautiful foreign woman on the street who was clearly wearing very little. When I saw her, I was like “um, where do I look…? (°д°;)”
She had an amazingly nice body, by the way. (laughs)
If you made me wear the same clothes as her, it’d just be extremely disappointing.
2: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2014/07/04(金)23:48:12 ID:???
To make someone who’s released a photobook filled with swimsuit pictures say something like this… just what did Kudo see and where?
7: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2014/07/04(金)23:54:57 ID:???
They must’ve been several times bigger than Haru-chan’s.
12: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2014/07/05(土)00:05:06 ID:???
0 is still 0 no matter how many times you multiply it.
3: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2014/07/04(金)23:51:10 ID:???
I’m just glad it wasn’t Sayu who saw her.
6: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2014/07/04(金)23:54:34 ID:???
It would’ve resulted in a criminal offense. (laughs)
8: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2014/07/04(金)23:58:23 ID:???
S-Sayu only violates girls with her eyes… (voice trembling)
9: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2014/07/04(金)23:59:47 ID:???
Someone make that girl take part in the 12th gen auditions!
11: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2014/07/05(土)00:03:40 ID:???
Is this not just an indirect way for Haru-chan to complain about wanting another photobook herself?
13: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2014/07/05(土)00:06:46 ID:???
You want a second one? Hmm? Haru-chan?
14: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2014/07/05(土)00:07:11 ID:???
That must’ve been a little bit too much stimulus for someone with no boobs. (laughs)
17: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2014/07/05(土)00:12:39 ID:???
18: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2014/07/05(土)00:14:32 ID:???
Zero! Zero! Zero! Harupai wa zero!
19: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2014/07/05(土)00:19:45 ID:???
Wahhahha zero~
20: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2014/07/05(土)00:21:07 ID:???
T-there’s still time for hers to develop… (voice trembling)
21: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2014/07/05(土)00:22:14 ID:???
Yeah, this is…
22: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2014/07/05(土)00:24:44 ID:???
Suspenders: ││
23: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2014/07/05(土)00:25:46 ID:???
There is absolutely no danger posed to those suspenders.
25: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2014/07/05(土)00:29:20 ID:???
Duu: ││
Oda-chan: ( )
27: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2014/07/05(土)00:31:00 ID:???
This is accurate.
(Note: for scientific reference, here’s also Kanatomo.)
24: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2014/07/05(土)00:27:02 ID:???
26: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2014/07/05(土)00:29:54 ID:???
30: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2014/07/05(土)00:34:42 ID:???
31: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2014/07/05(土)00:36:37 ID:???
34: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2014/07/05(土)00:45:03 ID:???
Laughed at Iikubo’s shameless facial expression.
36: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2014/07/05(土)00:52:29 ID:???
She’ll probably end up having huge boobs in another five years.
40: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2014/07/05(土)01:08:01 ID:???
I’m fine with Kudo never having any boobs.
Henkka: Trivia: 90% of Kudo’s male fanbase have larger breasts than her.
Sources: http://helloprocanvas.ldblog.jp/archives/39694922.html, http://c-ute.doorblog.jp/archives/38974672.html
@Henkka you are on a roll today…. pls post more erotic, taboo topics…
rivia: 90% of Kudo’s male fanbase have larger breasts than her.
HAHAHAHA. nice observation indeed!
Unfortunately, I think my suspenders might be more curved than hers.
“320: Kudo, please don’t steal the homewrecker character from Oda-chan.”,
Homewrecker character? Can anyone please explain what is this all about?
With the a few exceptions, most H!P girls have no boobs anyway. So Kudu is right at home with her fellow members.
I wonder if Duu went to work without any facemask or hat to hide her face for the couple to notice her. Most Japanese idols or celebrities hide their face with facemask and/or big hat to hide themselves to the public.
> (Note: for scientific reference, here’s also Kanatomo.)
…oh. Thank you, Henkka.
Du is not my type… if she grows her love melons a bit… i might consider her in about 10 years from now when I am done with Sayu and Mizuki….. Du is so boy like; it would be fun to bang her ass mercilessly… too young; maybe ten years from now I will make her bums sore with my hard burning love….
I just hope she grows up into a fine boy…
I like you
Haha, Duu the Homewrecker but can she compete with somebody who actually fills out their supsenders… Oda is going to be the cause of alot of breakups
25: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2014/07/05(土)00:29:20 ID:???
Duu: ││
Oda-chan: ( )
Too Funny
At least Haruka does still have a couple years left. It took me until I was about 17 for my boobs to get to their complete size.
I’d forgotten how charming Duu is. She kinda fell off the radar after Wakuteka Take a Chance.
8: “Sayu only violates girls with her eyes”
I’m sure all the 9-10-11kkies disagree.
Aaaah just become pettanko shota, Kuduu-chan!
LOL Kuda is so cute! I mean she sounds kind of innocent yet smug!