29 comments on “The great things about Makino Maria

  1. At first I wasn’t sure if I’m going to like her because I’m not too fond of “annoying” characters. However, Maria is a fresh breath of air in the group. Also, she’s got a hammer body.

    She’s a great idol, honestly.

  2. She has decent looks, not really my type but there’s some good pictures out there. She’s a huge, major, colossal crybaby, and loves Morning Musume. I guess that’s worth something to somebody.

  3. In no order:

    Without hyperbole, she might be one of the most beautiful women in the world.

    She glows in person, in a way that even if you’re looking to see another MM member, you somehow end up staring at her.

    She understands the relationship between effort and result in ways many, many other young women her age simply do not.

    She might actually be as pure as she appears. (Watch the DVD magazine where they’re all pretending that Kudo is a guy. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6aa6vv If you pay attention, it will make you ponder this. In the same way Reina is the perfect dork in the story, Makino is the perfect sweetheart.)


    Her sense of humor (Reina’s, too) make me wish MM still had a show like Hello!Morning.

    Her guilelessness, especially how comforable she is in her own skin, is alluring.

    Her smile. (Hard to remember a time when those two words could say so much.)

    The way you can almost be certain that in spite of being a goddess, her husband will just be an averge looking, kindhearted guy who likes baseball and spaghetti.

    Future Makino babies will be at least as pretty as she is, if not more. (In the same way that Sayu’s mom must have been a 10 to produce a 20).

    And for extra credit:


  4. Even though she has adopted this sexy idol role in the grow she’s still a fun teenager girl at heart. At the most recent Morning Musume NYC concert after Morning Musume had finished their set I had went to the bathroom and just floated around in back behind the crowds for the rest of the concert. It was then I saw Maria sneak out behind the crowd and plop a seat no more than like 2 feet away from me to watch the concert herself. Not sure if anyone else inside the arena that day even noticed that an idol they just watched on stage was sitting behind them in the crowds singing along to anime songs just like any other fan. I thought that was pretty cool to see this side of her natural personality

  5. Hips to birth a nation…

    I honestly need to get to know the 12th gen before they all graduate…

    I saw her on that show with Akane-chin recently and she is just so… direct. Like a gut punch of cuteness.

  6. When I first learned about her I said to myself, “Most guys will not be crazy about her”. Ha! Was I ever wrong!

    ” I always find myself thinking: this girl has ridiculous hips. Outrageous, even. Unacceptable. Absurd.

    These are not family-friendly hips.”

    Uh, okay. Sorry, but I can’t see your logic here. Are they too big (Pelvis Giganticus)? Too wide? Too narrow? Could you please elaborate?

  7. Maria is a unique mix of inner talent and hard work.
    There are moments where she’s oblivious, and it can be kind of obnoxious (the early Loverin days, for example), but it keeps things interesting, the way it is with Sato’s disruptions. My favorite case of this is how Maria has fallen for a senpai prank TWICE, but both times stubbornly stuck to her Sayu-loving guns with no hesitation. And both times, it made the situations ten times funnier than if everyone had figured out the situation and obediently followed expectations.
    But at the same time, the girl is smart. She’s more self-aware every year, studying what worked for her in the past and now leaning into it, but also getting more witty, as well. Charmy was always an intensely calculated character, Kamei was an instinctual airhead, and Maria rides this miracle line where it’s ambiguous how much is calculated and how much is airhead, but no matter what side you get, it’s not gonna be boring.

    And no matter her personality, this girl’s natural performance talent could never be denied. Honestly, I think she was a better Mr. Moonlight than Duu. Her dance talent is undeniable. Girl knows how to carry herself, can’t do anything less than 500%. And then you have that insight from Honey’s interview on how self-aware Maria is that her own looks are an asset, that she works very hard to diet and maintain those looks, and I bet she’s working just as hard to improve her vocals, because she knows management will likely push her as the current frontgirl trio start aging out.

    It’s appropriate that she’s part of the Maple Cookies power trio with Rikako and Dii, because she’s like the perfect combo of Rikako’s instincts and Dii’s cognitive style. I think that MM and H!P is in good hands under her hypothetical future leadership!

  8. Yes, all these things………but I guess the one thing that stands out to me is her willingness to do any pose in any wardrobe. If it suddenly became accepted to do nude photography, she’d be the first one tossing off her clothes. The girl is not shy at all.

  9. Is there such a thing as ‘family-friendly hips’?

    And yes, Maria is gorgeous inside and out. Even with that scrunchy face.

  10. I find nothing appealing about her. Yeah, she’s pretty but whatever so are a lot of the other members. Her singing and dancing isn’t impressive enough to warrant attention.

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